9 Best Pink Trays for Today’s Coastal Home Decor

Best pink trays for coastal homes. Try adding a pop of pink to your coastal decor with a pink tray. Historically, coastal homes have been decorated with blue and white interiors. However, some designers have added pink or rose accents to the blue and white interiors. Needless to say, they look quite amazing. 

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For today’s post, we are sharing pink trays that are perfectly suited for coastal home decor. So if you’ve contemplating styling a coastal home with a little pink, consider these trays. A pop of pink surrounded by blue and white furnishings can enhance a coastal home. 

Style it Pink – Pink Trays

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We love decorating with the unexpected. And of course, mixing it up a bit. Adding pink to your home brings a cheerful and festive style to your space. There are many ways to infuse your home with a little pink. Adding a pink tray is merely one way. Try adding a pink lamp or a grouping of pink vases. And for those of you that are ready for boldness in your decor, reupholster a furniture piece. Perhaps an ottoman or accent chair in pink for an even more dramatic look. Take it as far as you like it.  

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One reason in particular for selecting trays is that they are a simple and quick change. A tray can easily be incorporated into your room without disrupting the surrounding furnishings. If you like the look of the pink tray then the tray stays. But in the event that the look or feel of the tray seems out of character for the room, it can easily be removed. And that is the beauty of accessories. And next is our pink tray picks. Take a look at our picks of trays for a coastal home.

For additional ideas on using pink or hot pink in a coastal setting, be sure to look at our pink styling ideas post. You’ll find inspirational ways to style a coastal home with pink accents and furnishings. To see those ideas, see our post 28 most inspiring coastal pink styling ideas for today’s homes

In Conclusion – Pink Trays for the Coastal Home 

This ends our list of the best pink trays for today’s coastal home. There are many ways to infuse a little pink into your coastal home. Of course, we are sure that you’ll think of many other ways to bring pink into your home. We know that you’ll love thinking of new ways to use pink accessories in your home. 

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We hope that our selection of 9 pink trays for a coastal home inspires you to add a little pink to your home. Let us know how you make out with your trays. For additional coastal decor resources, check out our coastal decor post with helpful tips. Look at our 12 Ways to Add Coastal Decor to your Home post. And for additional coastal inspiration, take a look at some of our other posts.      

Enjoy our other decor related posts for additional ideas.   

Reach out to us with any questions. We are always ready to help you out. Thank you for stopping by our blog. 


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