36 Vinegar Cleaning Tips for Kitchen and Bathroom
Short on cleaning supplies, check out our Vinegar cleaning tips. For days when you have serious house cleaning chores but short on cleaning supplies.
Consider using vinegar to tackle many of your home cleaning chores. You just might be surprised at the many uses that vinegar has. Including keeping your home clean. But the best thing about vinegar, is that it doesn’t cost a ton of money to buy! It is affordable, economical, dependable, and such a hard worker.
That’s right, white distilled vinegar can tackle many of your household cleaning chores. White vinegar is effective at cleaning many household appliances and surfaces, too. We’ve listed many ways that vinegar can help clean your kitchen and bathroom. Take a look at our list. And maybe you’ll discover a new cleaning use for vinegar.
Shower Curtain
Clean your shower curtain with vinegar and water. Mix ½ cup white vinegar and 1 gallon of water. Removes mildew, soap film and grime from the shower curtain.
2. Shower Head
Clean your bathroom shower head with vinegar and water. Mix ½ cup of white vinegar and one gallon of water in a small plastic bag. Attach the vinegar and water filled plastic bag around the shower head. Leave the shower head soaking in the vinegar and water mixture overnight. Remove the bag from the shower head. And rinse the shower head in the morning.
3. Shower Doors
Mix a few drops of white vinegar and one cup of baking soda to make a paste. Apply the paste to the shower doors. Let sit for an hour. Using a microfiber cloth to clean shower doors. Rinse shower doors. And dry with another dry microfiber cloth.
4. Bathtub and tile

Clean your bathtub and bath tiles. Mix a solution of ½ cup white vinegar and 1 gallon of water. Use a microfiber cloth to clean bathtub and tiles. Then rinse with water.
5. Bathtub tile walls and floor

Clean bathtub tile walls and floor with a vinegar mixture. Mix ½ cup white vinegar and 1 gallon of water. Using a spray bottle, spray wall tiles and floor with mixture. Allow the vinegar water mixture to stay on tiles for 20 minutes.
Wipe the mixture with a clean microfiber cloth. For hard to reach areas, use a dry, clean microfiber mop.
For persistent or tough stains, use undiluted white vinegar directly on stain. Allow to stand on stain for 5 minutes then clean with a microfiber cloth.
6. Bathroom Chrome and Stainless Steel Fixtures
Mix ½ cup white vinegar with 1 gallon of water. Use a microfiber cloth and clean the faucet including handles. Dry faucet with a fresh microfiber cloth and polish the fixtures.
7. Bathroom Sink
Clean the bathroom sink. Mix ½ cup white vinegar with 1 gallon of water. Use a microfiber cloth and vinegar water mix to clean sink.
Unclog a bathroom and disinfect the sink. Pour ½ cup baking soda down the sink drain. Next, pour 1 cup white vinegar into the drain. Once the foaming has ceased, flush the drain with hot water. Wait 5 minutes and flush with cold water.
8. Rust Removal
Remove rust around bathroom fixtures. Soak rusty area in mixture of equal parts of white vinegar and water. Wipe clean with a microfiber cloth.
9. Toilet Bowl Cleaner

Clean toilet bowl. Pour ½ cup of white vinegar into the toilet bowl. Let the white vinegar sit in the bowl for at least 5 minutes. Flush toilet.
For persistent toilet bowl stains, pour one cup of baking soda into the bowl. Let the baking soda sit for 5 minutes. Then brush with toilet brush and flush.
10. Bathroom Windows
Clean bathroom windows. Mix 2 tablespoons of white vinegar with a gallon of water. Pour mixture into a spray bottle. Spray on windows. Wipe windows with a microfiber cloth.
11. Ventilation Fan
Turn circuit breaker to ventilation fan off. Remove the ventilation fan cover. Soak cover in warm dishwashing soap and a tablespoon of vinegar. Allow cover to soak for 5 minutes then rinse the cover. Vacuum dust and dirt off of the fan blades and canister. Wipe with clean damp microfiber cloth. Allow fan to dry then recover ventilation fan.
12. Kitchen Chrome and Stainless Steel Fixtures
Mix ½ cup white vinegar with 1 gallon of water. Use a microfiber cloth and vinegar mix to clean the kitchen faucet and handles. Dry the fixtures with a fresh microfiber cloth. Polish the fixtures.
13. Kitchen sink

Clean kitchen sink. Mix ½ cup white vinegar with 1 gallon of water. Use a microfiber cloth and mix to clean the kitchen sink.
Unclog and deodorize kitchen sink. Pour ½ cup of baking soda and 1 cup of vinegar into the kitchen drain. After the foaming has ended, flush with hot water. Then wait 5 minutes and flush with cold water.
14. Dishwasher
Deep clean dishwasher. Fill a glass bowl with 2 cups of vinegar. Place glass bowl on top rack of dishwasher. Run dishwasher on regular cycle without heat dry cycle or detergent.

15. Microwave Oven
Clean microwave oven. Mix ¼ cup of vinegar and 1 cup of water in a small glass bowl. Place glass bowl in microwave. Turn microwave on for 5 minutes on high. Allow glass bowl to cool. Use a microfiber cloth to wipe the microwave walls, top, and bottom of oven.
16. Refrigerator
Clean refrigerator. Use equal parts of white vinegar and water. Wash the inside and outside of the refrigerator with a microfiber cloth. Clean the vent cover too. Wipe clean the front and inside of your butter, fruit, vegetable, and cheese bins and shelves. As a mildew preventative, wash refrigerator shelves, bins, and top of refrigerator with full strength white vinegar using a microfiber cloth.
Additional tip: Add a small box of baking soda in your refrigerator to prevent odors.
17. Ice trays
Clean and disinfect ice trays. Soak ice trays in undiluted vinegar for 5 hours. Rinse under cold water. Dry ice trays.
18. Coffee Maker

Clean coffee maker. Fill the coffee decanter with 2 cups of white vinegar and 1 cup of water. Pour the vinegar and water mixture into the coffee maker’s water chamber. Turn coffee maker on. Run coffee maker a full cycle. Dispose of coffee decanter water in the kitchen sink. Run coffee maker an additional two cycles using clean water.
19. Thermos
Clean thermos. Add ¼ cup white vinegar then filling with warm water. Close thermos. Shake thermos well. If the thermos has residue add uncooked rice to the vinegar and water mixture. Shake the thermos filled with rice and vinegar/water mix. After shaking the mixture, rinse thermos. Allow to air dry.
20. Tea Kettle
Clean tea kettle. Fill with 3 cups of full strength white vinegar. Boil the vinegar water mixture in the kettle for 5 minutes. Let vinegar water mixture remain in kettle overnight. Using cold water rinse the tea kettle the following morning.
21. Pot and Pan Scrubber
Clean pots and pans. Mix equal parts of salt and flour adding a little vinegar to create a paste. Work this paste into the interior of the cooking pot or pan. And work paste to the exterior of the cooking pot or pan. Rinse with warm water. Dry with a dish towel.
22. Can Opener
Clean the can opener. Use a toothbrush dipped in white vinegar. Brush around the side and edge of the can opener’s wheel.
23. Wood Cutting Boards
Clean wood cutting boards. Use a microfiber cloth to wipe clean with full strength white vinegar after every use.
24. Grease
Eliminate grease stains and neutralize odors on your stove, broiler, or kitchen counters. Use a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and water. Wipe clean with a damp microfiber cloth. Wipe grease areas with the vinegar and water mixture to remove grease.
Additional Tips:
Add 3 to 4 tablespoons of white vinegar to dishwashing detergent. Shake to mix ingredients. The white vinegar gives your dishwashing detergent a grease fighting boost.
For greasy pans, pour 2 cups of white vinegar and boil for 10 minutes. Provides a natural non-stick surface that lasts for months.
25. Kitchen Smoke Odors
Eliminate kitchen smoke odors. Fill a shallow bowl ¾ full of full strength white vinegar. Place the shallow bowl near the source of the smoke odor. If the smoke odor fills the entire floor or house, place multiple swallow bowls around the house or floor. The odors will diminish in less than a day.
26. Kitchen Air
Clean kitchen air. Mix ½ cup of white vinegar with 1 cup of water in a pot. Boil the vinegar and water mixture until most of the liquid is gone. The air will be refreshed.
27. Pantry Bugs
Eliminate pantry bugs. Fill a small bowl with 1½ cups of apple cider vinegar. Add a few drops of liquid dish detergent. Place small bowl in pantry and leave there for a week. Pantry bugs will be drawn to water bowl where they will fall into and drown. Empty shelves and clean. Discard wheat products such as breads, pasta, and flour.
28. Fruit Flies
Eliminate fruit flies. Fill a jar with apple cider vinegar ½ full. Make a few holes in the jar lid. Cover the jar with the lid. Place near the source of the fruit flies. Fruit flies are drawn to the apple cider and fly into the jar where they drown.
29. Glue Adhesive Marks
Remove adhesive glue marks. Sticky label residue can be removed with full strength white vinegar. White vinegar dissolves the glue mark adhesive.
30. Towels
Clean towels. Wash towels in ½ cup of white vinegar and no detergent to remove residue and minerals. Wash your towels frequently.
31. Silver
Clean Silver. Soak the Silver in a mixture of ½ cup of white vinegar and 2 tablespoons of baking soda. Soak between 2 to 3 hours. Rinse in cold water. Dry with a microfiber cloth.
32. Glassware
Clean glassware. Add ¼ cup of vinegar to the dishwasher’s rinse cycle. For cloudy or spotty glassware due to hard water, soak in equal parts white vinegar and water. Soak for 15 to 30 minutes. Scrub with a bottle brush and rinse clean.
33. Crystal
Washing crystal. Add 2 tablespoons of white vinegar to the dishwater. Rinse in a mixture of 1 part vinegar and 3 parts warm water. Air dry crystal.
34. China and Crystal
Wash china and crystal. Wash with warm water and a cup of vinegar. Then air dry china and crystal. Remove coffee stains and any other discolorations on china. Scrub with equal parts of white vinegar and salt. Rinse under warm water.
35. Brass and Copper
Clean brass, bronze, and copper items. Make a paste of equal parts of white vinegar and salt or white vinegar and baking soda. Wait for vinegar and baking soda to stop bubbling before using paste. With a clean microfiber cloth rub paste on item until tarnish has been removed. Rinse with cool water then polish with cloth until item is dry.
36. Stove Top

Clean stove top. Use 3 parts baking soda and 1 part white vinegar to make a paste. With a microfiber cloth rub the paste into the stove top. Use a circular motion to remove burnt food and food spillage on the stove top.

As you can see using vinegar to clean your kitchen and bathroom is a great alternative to using chemical cleaning products. Chemical cleaning products that are not good for the environment or your family. And let’s face it, they tend to cost a great deal more than DIY cleaning products. Use budget friendly vinegar to clean your home. Give yourself peace of mind knowing that you are using an ingredient that is natural. Trust me, you don’t have to spend a lot of money to have a clean home. Consider these 36 vinegar cleaning tips. Save money and have a sparkling clean home.
So next time you find yourself short on cleaning supplies, consider using white distilled vinegar. Take a second look inside your cabinets. Tackle those cleaning jobs with vinegar. You’ll be pleased with the many uses that white distilled vinegar can be used for. Stay away from those pricey, expensive, toxic cleaning chemicals.
So next time you clean your home, reach for the vinegar. Knowing that vinegar may be all you need to clean your home. These are 36 ways that vinegar can help you when cleaning your kitchen or bathroom. And best of all, vinegar is budget friendly. These are some ideas to help keep your home clean and running smoothly.
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If you try any of these 36 vinegar cleaning tips let us know how you make out. And if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us. We always are ready to help you out. Thank you for dropping by.