32 Most Fragrant Perennials
Fragrant perennials to add fragrance to your garden. Especially around those outdoor entertaining areas. Gardens not only offer visual beauty they can offer wonderful fragrant scents as well.
Garden centers and nurseries offer many fragrant perennials these days. Available in a variety of bloom color, foliage, fragrance, and growth type for every garden size and space. Adding fragrant plants to an atheistically designed garden only enhances its beauty.
Simply adding the right perennials provide incredible beauty and unforgettable fresh aroma. We’re sure you’ll find one that fits your garden style among these pretty fragrant perennials. Or consider something different for your garden, something more bold and daring. Today’s garden growers and nurseries have an abundance of fragrant perennials to select from.
We’ve rounded up 32 gorgeous perennials with amazing fragrance. Take a look at these amazing perennials. And be sure to let us know what you think.
Sweet Black Cherry Dianthus

Dianthus produces punch colored fragrant blooms. Blooms appear from early Spring until Fall. Sweet Black Cherry Dianthus displays a steady show of fragrance. Grows in zones 6 to 8 in full Sun. Reaches 18 to 36 inches tall. Use as cut flowers. Plant in containers. Deer resistant perennial. Once established, tolerant to heat conditions. Ideal for border gardens.
2. Raspberry Surprise Dianthus

Blooms are 2 inch pink double flowers with burgundy-red eyes on blue-green foliage. Spring blooming Raspberry Surprise Dianthus is both deer and rabbit resistant. Grows in zones 4 to 8 in part shade and part Sun to full Sun. Reaches 10 to 12 inches tall. Ideal for rock gardens, edging, and container gardens. A true vintage beauty.
3. Rosella’s Dream Lily Asiatic Hybrid

Blooms are a blush pink petal tips with a speckled clear white base. Topped with chocolate anthers. Summer blooming Rosella’s Dream Lily Asiatic Hybrid make great cut flowers. Grows in zones 3 to 8 in part shade and part Sun to full Sun. Reaches 28 to 30 inches tall. Tolerant of cold, heat, and humidity conditions. Once established, tolerant of drought conditions. Resistant to disease. A compact perennial ideal for containers.
4. Chorus Line Daylily

Blooms are a diamond-dusted 3½ inch pink color with a rose band, sunny yellow watermark, and a green throat. Summer blooming Chorus Line Daylily has extended blooms of 16 hour days. Grows in zones 3 to 9 in full Sun. Reaches 18 to 20 inches tall. Tolerant of cold conditions. Resistant to rabbits. Tolerates poor and dry soil conditions. Plant on banks or slopes. Easy to maintain.
5. Blue Boa Agastache

Fragrant perennial with torrents of rich, purple-blue blooms on sturdy spikes. Dark-purple five inch flower clusters. Summer blooming Blue Boa Agastache has vase perfect flowers. Grows in zones 5 to 10 in full Sun. Reaches 28 to 30 inches tall. Tolerant of heat, and humidity conditions. Attracts insects, bees, and hummingbirds. Once established, tolerant of drought conditions. Resistant to deer. Gorgeous planted in a meadow.
6. Munstead Lavender

Classic fragrant English lavender. Purple, lavender flowers with deep fragrant, green gray leaves. Summer blooming, compact Munstead Lavender is aromatic. Grows in zones 5 to 9 in full Sun. Reaches 12 to 18 inches tall and wide. Low maintenance and easy to care for. Grow in containers.
7. Queen of Sweden English Rose

Flowers are a soft, pink flowers with glowing apricot-pink turning to pure pink. Blooms open to wide, shallow cups. Spring and Summer blooming, the Queen of Sweden English Rose has fewer thorns. Grows in zones 5 to 9 in part shade and part Sun to full Sun. Reaches 48 inches in height. Fragrance is a medium myrrh scent. Once established, tolerant of drought conditions.
8. Moulinex English Rose

Produces rich, fragrant yellow rosettes. Spring and Summer blooming, Moulinex English Rose won a medal for best scented rose. Grows in zones 5 to 9 in part shade and part Sun to full Sun. Reaches 36 inches tall. Once established, tolerant of drought conditions. Fragrance is characteristic of tea rose with a Musky scent.
9. Rainbow Rhythm Storm Shelter Daylily Hemerocallis

Five inch blossoms are a mauve purple color. Has an enormous deep eggplant purple eye and matching eggplant purple petal edge. Mid Summer to early Fall blooming, Rainbow Rhythm Storm Shelter Daylily has continuous blooming flowers. Grows in zones 3 to 9 in part shade and part Sun to full Sun. Reaches 24 inches tall. Tolerant of salt conditions. Attracts bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Resists rabbits. Helps with soil erosion.
10. Pardon My Cerise Bee Balm Monarda

Flowers are dark cherry pink. Mid to late Summer blooming, Pardon My Cerise Bee Balm Monarda has fragrant flowers and foliage. Blooms are pink, red, and dark cherry pink colors. Grows in zones 4 to 8 in part shade and part Sun to full Sun. Reaches 14 to 18 inches tall. Attracts bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Resists deer. North American native. Loved by butterflies!
11. Pardon My Pink Bee Balm Monarda

Flowers are a true pink. Mid to late Summer blooming, Pardon My Pink Bee Balm Monarda, a petite, upright perennial. Grows in zones 4 to 8 in part shade and part Sun to full Sun. Reaches 10 to 12 inches tall. Attracts bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Resists deer. North American native. Butterfly loving perennial. A must for pink loving gardeners!
12. Cat’s Meow Catmint Nepeta

Flowers are a gorgeous blue purple color. Early Summer through early Fall blooming, Cat’s Meow Catmint Nepeta has fragrant flowers and foliage. Grows in zones 3 to 8 in full Sun. Reaches 17 to 20 inches tall. Continuous blooming. Dense and colorful mounding perennial. Tolerant of heat conditions. Once established, tolerant of drought conditions. Attracts bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Resists deer and rabbits. North American native.
13. Cloudburst Tall Cushion Phlox

Flowers have fragrant lavender purple flowers with bright pink eyes. Early to late Summer blooming, Cloudburst Tall Cushion Phlox is a long blooming perennial. Grows in zones 4 to 8 in full Sun. Reaches 28 inches tall. Attracts bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. North American native. Provides foliage interest in the Fall garden. Deep lavender colors for the garden.
14. Violet Profusion Salvia

Flowers are violet blue color on rosy purple calyxes. Repeat bloomer. Late Spring to early Summer blooming, Violet Profusion Salvia, is an upright perennial. Grows in zones 3 to 8 in full Sun. Reaches 14 to 16 inches tall. Fragrant flowers and foliage. Tolerant of salt conditions. Attracts bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Resists deer and rabbits. Use as a border plant, in the landscape or in mass plantings. Grow in containers. Flowers can be used in floral arrangements or dried.
15. Color Spires Pink Dawn Salvia

Flowers are a cotton candy pink on mounded, aromatic foliage.. Late Spring to early Summer blooming, Color Spires Pink Dawn Salvia have fragrant flowers and foliage. Grows in zones 3 to 8 in full Sun. Reaches 16 to 20 inches tall. Tolerant of salt conditions. Attracts bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Resists deer and rabbits. A great perennial for gardeners who love pink!
16. New Vintage Violet Yarrow Achillea

Also known as Yarrow. Blooms are bright violet red. Fragrant flowers and foliage. Summering blooming, New Vintage Violet Yarrow Achillea is an upright perennial. Grows in zones 4 to 8 in full Sun. Tops out at 12 to 14 inches tall. Continuous bloomer. Attracts bees and butterflies. Harmful to deer and rabbits. Tolerant of salt conditions. Once established, tolerant of drought conditions.
17. Butterfly Cleopatra Coneflower Echinacea

Fragrant flowers of vibrant golden yellow. Large center cone is orange. Foliage is deep green. Single flowers are 3 to 3 ½ inches wide. Flowers lighten to a creamy yellow as they age. Blooms mid to late Summer, Butterfly Cleopatra Coneflower Echinacea have fragrant flowers and foliage. Grows in zones 4 to 8 in part Sun to full Sun. Tops out at 16 to 18 inches tall. Attracts bees, birds, and butterflies. Resists deer. Once established, tolerant of drought conditions. North American native. Upright perennial.
18. Butterfly Purple Emperor Coneflower Echinacea

Blooms are magenta purple. Foliage is deep green. Mid to late Summer blooming, Butterfly Purple Emperor is a stunning echinacea. Grows in zones 4 to 8 in part shade and part Sun to full Sun. Reaches 15 to 18 inches tall. Petal tips turn light pink as flower ages. Center remains bright magenta. Attracts bees, birds, and butterflies. Resists deer. Once established, tolerant of drought conditions. North American native. Upright perennial.
19. Russian Sage Perovskia Atriplicifolia

Flowers are blue purple color. Shape of the flowers are terminal panicles that are small, tubular, 2-lipped flowers. Foliage is lacy, silvery green leaves on silvery stems. MidSummer to Fall blooming, Russian Sage Perovskia Atriplicifolia has a sage like fragrance. Grows in zone 4 to 9 in full Sun. Reaches 28 to 34 inches tall. Attracts bees, and butterflies. Resists deer and rabbits. Use as cut–flowers and dried floral arrangements.
20. Flame White Dwarf Garden Phlox

Showy white flowers. Produces large, white fragrant cluster blooms on upright plants. Blooms from Summer to Fall. Grows in zones 4 to 8 in full Sun. Reaches 12 to 18 inches tall. Spreads between 12 to 14 inches wide. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Resistant to disease. Dwarf compact plant for small spaces and containers. Flame White Dwarf Garden Phlox can be used in a Moonlight Garden, too.
21. Purple Sage Salvia Purpurea

Flowers are a striking blue purple color. Compact ornamental herb with dense smoky grey and purple foliage. Fragrant foliage with decorative texture. Summer blooming, Purple Sage Salvia Purpurea is a fragrant perennial herb. Grows in zones 6 to 11 in full Sun. reaches up to 2 feet tall. Needs average to low water. Attracts bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Deer resistant. Tolerant of heat conditions. Once established, drought tolerant. Long lasting blooms. Ideal for contrast along a garden border. Plant in containers. Evergreen in areas with warmer Winters.
22. Fragrant Angel Coneflower

Blooms are large white fragrant flowers with a sweet perfume scent. Blooms June through August. Fragrant Angel Coneflower has 5 inch wide fragrant blooms. Grows in zones 4 to 9 in full Sun. Reaches 40 inches in height. Tolerates hot, dry, and cold conditions. Upright perennial. Attracts butterflies and is bird friendly. Deer resistant. Use blooms as cut flowers or in dried floral arrangements. North American native.
23. Fragrant Bouquet Hosta

White blooms appear in the Summer. Flowers are large funnel shaped blooms – fragrant and white. Foliage emerges a lime green with yellow margin during the Spring. Late Summer blooming, Fragrant Bouquet Hosta has slightly wrinkled wavy leaves. Leaves turn an apple green with wide creamy white margins over the Summer. Grows in zones 3 to 8 in full shade to filtered Sun. Reaches 22 inches tall. Spread is 48 inches wide. Dramatic foliage for dark, shaded garden areas.
24. Mint Crisp Honeysuckle Vine

Mint Crisp Honeysuckle Vine attracts butterflies, hummingbirds, and birds because of its sweetly scented ivory and cream blooms on a vigorous, fragrant vine reaching between 10 to 20 feet tall. Visual interest in the Winter garden. Resistant to deer. The Mint Crisp provides visual interest to the Winter garden, blooms from midsummer to Fall with white 1 inch flowers. The Mint Crisp Honeysuckle vine likes Full Sun or part Sun to part Shade.
25. Seriously Fragrant Peony Collection

All three peonies are included in the Seriously Fragrant Peony Collection. Fragrant peonies in white and pink hues.
The Eden’s Perfume Peony has large, pink blooms with a rose scent that appear in late Spring.
Blooms are between 5 to 7 inches wide. Flowers of the Madame Debatene Peony are bright, double salmon-pink.
The Duchesse de Nemours Peony has large, creamy white double blooms that are gorgeous during daytime and shimmer in the moonlight. All three peonies can be used as cut flowers. Peonies reach between 24 to 36 inches tall. Bloom in late Spring. Like part shade and part Sun to full Sun garden conditions.
26. Sorbet Peony

The Sorbet Peony yields a pink and white 5 to 7 inch fragrant double flower. They can reach up to 3 feet tall, blooms from late Spring to early Summer, likes full Sun to part shade.
27. Casa Blanca Oriental Lily

The Casa Blanca Oriental Lily is a four bulb perennial with strong fragrance and makes for great cut flowers. Blooms are huge, pure white blooms and are winter hardy.
28. Eden Climber Rose Bush

The Eden Climber Rose Bush is a climbing rose that is winter hardy and disease resistant. Flowers of the rose bush have soft pink blooms that are a blend of cream, chartreuse, and blush pink. Fragrance of the Eden Climber has a light tea fragrance and reminiscent of English roses. At maturity, the rose bush reaches up to 12 feet tall.
29. Double Pearl Tuberose

The Double Pearl Tuberose yields fragrant white flowers in mid to late Summer. The tuberose reaches 24 to 36 inches tall.
30. Bolero Rose Bush Reblooming White Floribunda

Bolero Rose Bush Reblooming White Floribunda is a hardy Romantica Rose bred in Provence, France. Flowers of the Bolero Rose Bush bears white petaled flowers. Reaches between 3 to 4 feet tall. Spread is between 2 to 3 feet wide. Blooms of the Bolero Rose Bush have a fruity fragrance.
31. Yellow Baby Tuberose Polyanthus

Yellow Baby Tuberose Polyanthus bears yellow blooms in mid to late Summer. The Yellow Baby Tuberose reaches 12 to 14 inches tall.
32. Sweet Summer Love Clematis

Sweet Summer Love Clematis has fragrant, long-blooming cranberry purple blooms that appear from early to late Summer. Sweet Summer Love likes partial to full Sun and cool, well-drained soil. Fragrant Sweet Summer Love reaches 10 to 15 feet tall and 7 to 10 feet wide.
For adding color and fragrance to your garden consider planting any of these fragrant perennials. There are many fragrant perennials to select from and many that will provide your garden continuous color and fragrance throughout the Summer season. If you give any of these 32 Most Fragrant Perennials a try let us know how you make out.
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If you try any of these fragrant perennials, be sure to let us know how you make out. And if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us. We always are ready to help you out. Thank you for dropping by.
Where donI find any of these fragrant perennials I live in Florida I believe zone 9 by palm harbor
Hi Julie of Palm Harbor,
The zone for Palm Harbor, FL is 9b.
Perennials that can be grown in Zone 9 from the above post, are listed below.
Chorus Line Daylily
Purple Sage Salvia Purpurea
Blue Boa Agastache – not shipping til next season
Munstead Lavender
Rainbow Rhythm Storm Shelter Daylily Hemerocallis
Russian Sage Perovskia Atriplicifolia
Purple Sage Salvia Purpurea
Fragrant Angel Coneflower
Mint Crisp Honeysuckle Lonicera – not shipping til next season
Eden Climber Rose Bush Reblooming
Double Pearl Tuberose
Bolero Rose Bush
Sweet Summer Love Clematis
Most are still available. However, some growers do not ship in the Fall. And some growers sell out of their inventory, especially this time of year. If you click on the image of the perennial you are interested in, it will direct you to the grower that sells that perennial.
There is also a link (underlined) on the perennial name. If you click on the perennial name, it will direct you to the nursery or grower that may have the item you are interested in.
Maybe also check with your local nursery. They may carry some of these varieties?
Hope this helps you find some fragrant perennials for your garden!
Thanks for visiting.
Look ing for perennial flowers that grow clo se to the ground not to tall nice colors .for the front. Need for the back for a circle.. thank you please help .
Hi Virginia,
Sounds like you need some low growing plants such as ground covers? I have a post 15 Best Flowering Ground Covers for Sun and a second post 16 Best Flowering Ground Covers for Shade. Could either of these posts help you? I’m not sure if either of your garden areas have Sun or shade or both. Also, not sure of the zone you live in?
If you are looking for plants that are a little taller than ground covers … I’ll suggest a few. For a Sunny area – dianthus, Coreopsis or shade areas – heuchera (coral bells), – – I’ve listed a few below. There seems to be a short supply of plants this year.
These are a few perennials I found that are lower growing:
(1) Blue Eyed Grass – grows 6 to 10 inches in zones 4 to 9 blooms late Spring until mid Summer
(2) Coreopsis, UpTick Cream – grows 12 to 14 inches tall in zones 5 to 9 blooms Spring and Summer
(3) Dianthus, Georgia Peach Pie – grows 10 to 12 inches tall zone 5 to 8 blooms Summer
(4) Heuchera x hybrida Carnival Rose Granita – also called coral bells or alum root; grows 10 to 12 inches tall, zones 4 to 9 blooms Summer part Sun & part Shade
(5) Viola cornuta Etain – pansy common name; 6 to 8 inches tall, zones 4 to 8 blooms late Spring to early Summer
(6) Salvia New Dimension Blue – Meadow Sage; 8 to 10 inches tall, zones 5 to 8 blooms early to late Summer reblooms mid to late Fall
I hope this helps you find the right garden plants you need. Thank you for reading our blog.
Happy Gardening! Mary