Plants with Silver Foliage
Spectacular plants with Silver Foliage can add another dimension to your garden. The color silver is a cooler color. Silver is complementary to blues, greens, and magenta colors. For a brighter, cooler color garden, include silver foliage plants in your garden. There are many plant options to select from for both sun and shade filled gardens. In a Sun fill garden, plants with silver leaves such as Russian Sage and Lavenders are standouts. And in a shade garden area, silver foliage plants such as Brunnera and Ferns can really illuminate the garden.
We’ve selected several silver foliage plants that make Sunny and shady gardens radiant. Take a look at these beauties. And be sure to let us know what you think.
Stachys is also known as Lamb’s Ears, Woundwort, and woolly hedge nettle. Lamb’s-ear plants are perennials with gray or silver-white silky hairs. Named lamb’s ears because the leaf shape and fur-like white hair coating. Lamb’s ears leaves are thick and covered on both sides with gray-silver hairs.
There are many benefits that Lamb’s Ear provides Wildlife. The plant attracts many insects, hummingbirds, and bees. The Wool Carder Bee gathers the gray-silver hairs from the plant for making nests. And bees collect water resting on the plant’s leaves after a rainfall.
Stachys byzantina Helen Von Stein

Stachys byzantina Helen Von Stein grows in zones 4 to 8 in mostly Sunny to full Sun areas. Reaches 10 inches tall. A large Lamb’s Ear leaf plant with foliage is soft, velvety and silver-green in color. The leaf shape and texture is appealing to many, especially children. Tolerant of heat conditions as well as resistant to rabbits and deer. And tolerates normal and sandy soil conditions.
The common name for Lunaria is honesty. Latin name for Lunaria means “moon-like” which refers to the translucent, disc-shaped seed pods. Leaves are hairy toothed with racemes of white or violet flowers in Spring and Summer. Often used in floral arrangements.
Money Plant

A biennial, Money Plant is grown for its silvery white, flattened, disc-like seed pods. Grows in zones 4 to 8 in part shade and part Sun to full Sun. Reaches 30 inches tall with a spread of 24 to 30 inches wide. Blooms in the Spring and Summer. Grown for the silvery white coin-shaped seed pods.
Artemisia are silver-leaf plants with fine-textured foliage that adds elegance to your yard. Plant Artemisia in mass plantings or garden beds and borders. A sun-loving perennial.
Silver Mound Artemisia
The perennial Silver Mound Artemisia is also known as Silver Mound Wormwood. Grows in zones 3 to 6 in full Sun. Reaches 12 to 24 inches tall with a spread of 12 to 18 inches. An evergreen silver lacy leaf ground cover perennial that is resistant to both deer and rabbits. Tolerant of sandy, loamy, and drought-dry soil conditions, once Silver Mound has been established.
Silver Brocade Artemisia

Silver Brocade Artemisia is also known as Ghost Plant, Wormwood, Dusty Miller, and Mugwort. Grows in zones 3 to 8 in full Sun. Reaches 6 to 12 inches tall. Tolerates normal and sandy soil conditions. Resistant to deer. Tolerant of hot dry sites.
Most Lavender plants have silver green foliage. An abundance of fragrance and stunning foliage, the Lavender plant is striking. Plant Lavender in well-draining soil. Tolerates heat and drought conditions once the plant has been established. Attracts bees and butterflies. Resistant to deer and rabbits.
Silver Anouk Lavendula

Blooms are larger, purple florets a top of the Silver Anouk Lavendula. Grows in zones 6 to 10 in full Sun. Reaches 12 to 18 inches tall. Purple blooms begin in mid Spring until early Summer. The foliage is pale, finely cut and silver gray, white in color. Tolerant of drought conditions once established. A cold hardy perennial that is drought tolerant once established. Resistant to both rabbits and deer. Aromatic plant that attracts beneficial insects like butterflies, but repels flying pests like mosquitoes, moths, flies, and gnats.
Platinum Blonde Lavender

Platinum Blonde Lavender grows in zones 6 to 9 in full Sun. Reaches 16 to 20 inches tall. Fragrant blue blooms appear in mid to late Summer and again in early Fall. The foliage is a variegated thin leaf foliage of silver with a clear yellow border. Can be used as a low hedge in the garden.
Lavandula Munstead

An English Lavender evergreen perennial that attracts bees and butterflies. Lavandula Munstead grows in zones 5 to 9 in full Sun. Reaches 12 inches high. A compact plant that blooms mid to late Summer. Foliage is silver-gray and blue green. Tolerant of heat and humidity conditions. A deer resistant perennial that can be planted as a border accent or a hedge.
Perovskia commonly known as Russian sage, Perovskia is a woody-based perennial of the mint family. Typically grows 2 to 4 feet tall. Gray green leaves are finely-dissected and aromatic. Upright plant with two-lipped tubular, light blue flowers tiered in branched panicles.
Denim n’ Lace Perovskia

Denim n’ Lace Perovskia has silvery stems where large, fluffy lavender-blue flowers bloom. Aromatic leaves are grey-green. Blooms are a welcome to all pollinators. Grows in zones 4 to 9 in full Sun. Reaches 28 to 32 inches tall with a spread of 36 inches wide. A compact perennial that blooms during the Summer and Fall seasons. Cold hardy plants that are heat and drought tolerant once established. Resistant to deer.
Blue Jean Baby Russian Sage

Lacy, silvery green leaves on silvery stems with a sage-like fragrance. A compact Russian sage, Blue Jean Baby has fragrant blue purple flowers. Grows in zones 4 to 9 in full Sun. Reaches 28 to 34 inches tall. Blooms midSummer through Fall. Attracts bees and butterflies. Resistant to deer and rabbits.
Dianthus is also known as Pinks. This plant has fragrant blooms. Many varieties have attractive silvery leaves and stems. The fine-textured, grassy like leaves are a perfect accent to the pretty blooms. Plant Dianthus in the front border with it’s low, mounding growth habit. Or plant along Sun-filled pathways and walkways.
Tall Romance Dianthus

Double blooms are blushing coral to salmon colored with a spicy aroma. Tall Romance Dianthus has gray-green grassy foliage with sturdy stems that makes the plant more appealing. Grows in zones 5 to 9 in full Sun. Reaches 9 inches tall with a spread of 8 to 12 inches. Light pink to coral blooms late Spring to mid Summer. Attracts bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. Resistant to deer. Plant in rock gardens, containers, and borders.
Paint the Town Magenta Dianthus

Flowers are vibrant magenta pink single blooms over a gray blue foliage mound. Paint the Town Magenta Dianthus has fragrant foliage and blooms. Grows in zones 4 to 9 in part shade and part Sun to full Sun. Reaches 6 to 8 inches tall with a spread of 12 to 14 inches. Attracts bees and butterflies and is resistant to deer. Blooms early Summer and early Fall. Tolerant of heat, salt, and drought conditions once established.
Lamium is sometimes called spotted dead nettle. It is a fast growing ground cover for shady or part shady gardens. A spring bloomer with silver leaves. Plant along a shady garden path or container. And deer resistant perennial.
White Nancy Lamium

Blooms are milky white clusters of small, hooded flowers. White Nancy Lamium blooms in late Spring. Stunning silvery leaves with narrow green margins brighten up a shady garden. Grows in zones 3 to 8 in full shade to mostly sunny. Reaches 6 inches tall. Blooms late Spring to early Summer. Tolerates normal and clay soil conditions. Resistant to both deer and rabbits. Tolerates shade and dry shade conditions.
Orchid Frost Lamium
The perennial Orchid Frost Lamium has hooded, soft orchid colored blooms. Grows in zones 3 to 8 in full shade to mostly sunny garden areas. Reaches 8 inches tall. Resistant to both deer and rabbits. Tolerant of shade and dry shade conditions. Radiant silver leaves with narrow green margins. Attractive when planted alongside Hosta and Ferns.
Heuchera are also called coral bells named after its miniature bell shaped flowers. And sometimes called Alum Root. A deer resistant perennial that is available in many foliage colors. Colors such as chartreuse, red, orange, purple, green, bronze, and silver. In late Spring and early Summer, heuchera blooms of small red, white, or pink mini bell shaped flowers. A favorite of hummingbirds, heuchera is also deer resistant. Plant with hosta or ajuga plants.
Silver Gumdrop Heuchera

Silver Gumdrop Heuchera grows in zones 4 to 9 in full shade to Sun. Reaches 6 to 8 inches tall and a spread of 14 to 16 inches. Silver Gumdrop attracts bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. A deer resistant perennial with semi-glossy, iridescent silver leaves. Vibrant pink blooms appear in MidSummer.
Paris Heuchera

Rosy red bells form on 15 inch floral spikes. Paris Heuchera has silvery lobed foliage with mint green veins. Grows in zones 4 to 9 in full shade to part shade and part Sun. Reaches between 7 to 10 inches tall with a spread of 14 inches wide. A cold hardy perennial tolerant of poor soils that blooms from Spring to Summer. Plant in garden borders, containers, and in woodland gardens. Shelter away from hot afternoon Sun to prevent leaf scorch.
Stainless Steel Heuchera

Luminous foliage in glistening silver with light purple veining and eggplant purple undersides. As foliage matures, leaves turn to pale seafoam green with subtle purple patina. Stainless Steel Heuchera has pink buds that open to white flowers in May. Grows in zones 4 to 9 in full shade to part shade and part Sun. Reaches 8 to 12 inches tall. Blooms late Spring to early Summer. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Tolerant of shade, heat, and humidity conditions. Tolerates normal and acidic soil conditions. Bred by Charles and Martha Oliver of The Primrose Path in Scottdale, PA.
Sugar Berry Heuchera

Berry-violet foliage with dark veins that is covered in sugary silver frost when mature. Sugar Berry Heuchera blooms are sprays of blush-pink bell flowers on petite dark stems. Grows in zones 4 to 9 in part shade and part Sun to full Sun. Reaches 6 inches tall. Blooms from early through late Summer. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Resistant to deer. Tolerates normal and acidic soil conditions.
Fern are mostly shade loving perennials for woodland area gardens. However, there are sun ferns which thrive in Sunny gardens. Perfect plants to pair with hosta plants in a shade fill garden. Mostly deer resistant and prefer consistent moisture.
Fern Metallicum

Fronds are shimmering silver metallic with a dusty plum purple mid-ribs. Fern Metallicum has elegant arching mounds that spread gradually. Grows in zones 4 to 8 in full shade to mostly sunny gardens. Reaches 15 to 18 inches tall. Resistant to deer and rabbits. Tolerates normal, acidic, and sandy soil conditions. Tolerant of shade, heat, and humidity garden conditions.
Ghost Athyrium Fern

Metallic silver sheen fronds with maroon midribs brightens shady gardens. Ghost Athyrium Fern gives the appearance of glowing fronds. Grows in zones 4 to 8 in full shade to part shade and part Sun. Ghost Fern reaches 24 to 30 inches tall and wide. Resistant to deer. Plant in rich, organic soil with low-growing shade loving perennials.
Regal Red Japanese Painted Fern

Ruffled fronds with dark violet interiors and bright silver edges. Plant Regal Red Japanese Painted Fern in gardens with light shade. Grows in zones 4 to 9 in full shade to part shade and part Sun. Reaches 12 to 24 inches tall. Resistant to both deer and rabbits. Tolerates shade, dry shade, and wet site conditions.
- Pulmonaria
Pulmonaria is also known as Lungwort and Bethlehem Sage. An evergreen or herbaceous perennial that forms clumps or rosettes. Covered in hairs of varied length and stiffness.
Twinkle Toes Pulmonaria

Bright periwinkle blue blooms against deep green silver speckled foliage. A ground cover, Twinkle Toes Pulmonaria is Spring blooming. Grows in zones 3 to 9 in full shade to part shade and part Sun. Reaches 12 to 14 inches tall with a spread of 16 to 18 inches wide. Both deer or rabbit resistant.
Raspberry Splash Lungwort

Raspberry-coral Spring flowers. Raspberry Splash Lungwort blooms from early through late Spring. Grows in zones 5 to 11 in full shade to part Sun and part shade. Reaches 8 to 14 inches in height with a spread of 12 to 16 inches wide. Resistant to deer.
Brunnera is also known as Siberian bugloss and False Forget Me Not. Rhizomatous perennials native to Eastern Europe and North West Asia. An excellent ground cover with light shade. Sprays of blue flowers appear in the Springtime.
Queen of Hearts Heartleaf Brunnera

Heart shaped leaves with silver overlay and narrow band of dark green veining. Queen of Hearts Heartleaf Brunnera has forget-me-not baby blue flowers in mid to late Spring. Grows in zones 3 to 8 in full shade to part Sun and part shade. Reaches 16 to 18 inches tall and a spread of 28 to 36 inches. Attracts bees and is deer resistant.
Jack of Diamonds Heartleaf Brunnera

A heavy silver overlay with vivid wide, dark green veining pattern. Jack of Diamonds Heartleaf Brunnera has baby blue forget-me-not blooms. Grows in zones 3 to 8 in full shade to part shade and part Sun. Reaches 14 to 16 inches tall and a spread of 28 to 32 inches. Attracts bees and is resistant to deer. Blooms mid to late Spring.
Sterling Silver Brunnera

Oversized silvered leaves etched with emerald green veining. Bright blue airy sprays of flowers bloom on the Sterling Silver Brunnera. Sterling Silver can be grown in zones 4 to 8 in mostly shady to mostly Sunny gardens. Reaches 10 to 14 inches tall. Blooms mid to late Spring. Resistant to Deer. Tolerates normal, clay, and sandy soil conditions. Tolerant of shade, dry shade, humidity, and wet site conditions. Ideal for a woodland garden or semi-shaded garden border.
Asarum is commonly known as wild ginger and Chinese Wild Ginger. Leaves are kidney-shaped with blooms of small brown or reddish flowers. Wild ginger likes moist, shaded gardens with rich, organic soil. A deciduous ground cover.
Asarum Splendens

Large glossy heart-shaped silver splashed leaves makes for a striking garden plant. The Asarum Splendens has purple flowers at the base of the plant. Grows in zones 5 to 9 in full shade to part shade and part Sun. Reaches 6 to 8 inches tall. Blooms in mid to late Spring. Resistant to deer and rabbits. Tolerates normal, clay, acidic, and sandy soil conditions. Tolerant of shade conditions. An evergreen ground cover.
Creeping Tortoise Taiwanese Wild Ginger

Foliage are silver veined leaves. Slow growing Creeping Tortoise Taiwanese Wild Ginger has ruffled purple flowers in the Spring. Grows in zones 7b to 9b in full shade to light shade. Reaches 3 inches tall.
This is our list of plants with gorgeous silver foliage. Great for any garden and especially stunning when paired with greenery plants. Silver foliage plants make a dramatic contrast against green leaf plants. Be sure to check with your local garden center for additional silver foliage plant selections.
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