Plants that Tolerate Foot Traffic
Plants that tolerate foot traffic. If you have a yard area that is bare because of foot traffic consider planting a ground cover. Not all ground covers are tough enough to sustain foot traffic, however, there are quite a few that do. Some can endure moderate foot traffic and others can endure light foot traffic.
Take a look at these 30 low-growing wonders. Plants that tolerate foot traffic.
Ajuda – Plants That Tolerate Foot Traffic
Commonly known as Carpet Bugle, Bugleweed, and Carpet Bugleweed. A low-growing ground cover with waxy leaves and a dense habit. Great effect when planted en mass.
Ajuga reptans Black Scallop
Upright, wavy leaves of dark burgundy and black, the Ajuga reptans Black Scallop does best in Sunny gardens. A hardy ground cover that remains evergreen in milder climates.
- Grows in zones 4 to 9
- Full shade to Full Sun
- Tops out at 4 to 6 inches tall
- Blue flowers with purple accent
- Blooms from late Spring to early Summer
- Beneficial for Pollinators and attracts hummingbirds
- Resistant to deer and rabbit
- Tolerates normal, acidic, and clay soil conditions
- Adaptable to various conditions, tolerant of dry shade, shade, the seaside – salt, and of course foot traffic
- Plant in rock gardens and containers
Ajuga reptans Pink Lightning
Forms a dense carpet-like mat, Ajuga reptans Pink Lightning has crinkly textured soft mint green leaves
- Grows in zones 3 to 9
- Full shade to Full Sun
- Reaches 4 to 6 inches tall
- Mauve pink flowers
- Blooms appear mid to late Spring
- Beneficial for pollinators and attracts hummingbirds
- Resistant to deer and rabbits
- Tolerates normal, acidic, and clay soil conditions
- Versatile plant that is tolerant of shade, dry shade, seaside – salt, and foot traffic conditions
- Plant in Containers
2. Acaena Blue Haze
A herbaceous evergreen ground cover, Acaena Blue Haze grows in dry shade along the Oregon Coast. Blue form with finely divided pinnate evergreen foliage that blooms in the Summer.
- Grows in zones 7 and lower
- Full shade to part Sun and part shade
- Reach 3 inches tall with coverage of up to 3 square feet
- White flowers
- Blue foliage
- Blooms in the Summer
- Provides erosion control on steep shady slopes
- Adapts to dry conditions once established
3. Alpine Lady’s Mantle – Plants That Tolerate Foot Traffic
With a history of medicinal uses, the Alpine Lady’s Mantle makes a great addition to an ornamental garden. Deeply lobed foliage outlined with silver margins
- Grows in zones 4 to 7
- Full shade to part shade and part Sun to Full Sun
- Reaches 8 to 10 inches tall with a spread of 12 inches wide
- Lime green-yellow flowers
- Blooms from early to mid Summer
- Tolerates sandy, clay, average, compost enriched garden, and loam soil conditions
- Use in rock gardens, walls, or as a ground cover
- Excellent addition of Texture in the garden
4. Baby’s Tears – Plants That Tolerate Foot Traffic
Often used as an indoor plant, Baby’s Tears, also known as Soleirolia soleirolii forms a dense mat of rich green leaves.
- Grows in zones 10 to 11
- Full shade to part Sun and part shade
- Tops out at 1 to 2 inches high
5. Blue Star Creeper
Also known as Laurentia fluviatilis, Blue Star Creeper grows in part Sun to woodland garden area. Or plant between stepping stones. Blue Star forms a round mat of tiny green leaves with tiny light blue flowers.
- Grows in zones 5 to 10
- Light shade to Sun
- Reaches 1 inch tall by 12 to 18 inch widespread
- Light blue flowers
- Blooms in Spring
- Evergreen ground cover to 15 degrees then becomes deciduous at lower temperatures
6. Campanula Poscharskyana
Also known as a Serbian Bellflower or bellflower, the Campanula Poscharskyana is a mounding ground cover. Campanula grows between 4 and 10 inches tall.
- Grows in zones 3 to 8
- Mostly shady to Full Sun
- Reaches 6 inches tall
- Starry blue flowers
- Blooms Early to Late Summer
- Beneficial for Pollinators
- Tolerates normal and clay soil conditions
- A versatile ground cover that is tolerant of shade, dry shade, seaside salt, and foot traffic conditions
- Plant in containers, rock gardens or sandy banks since this ground cover clings to dry walls
7. Carole Ann Beach Strawberry or Fragaria
Also known as Sand Strawberry, the Carole Ann Beach Strawberry or Fragaria has glossy foliage with large white fragrant flowers. Native to the coastal California area.
- Grows in zones 4 to 10
- Part shade and part Sun to full Sun
- Reaches 4 to 5 inches with a spread of 24 to 30 inches wide
- White fragrant flowers
- Bloom from mid to late Spring
- Tolerates sandy, average, and well-drained soil conditions
- Waterwise plant that is tolerant of drought conditions, once established
- Use in mass plantings and ideal for erosion control
8. Creeping Gold Buttons
An evergreen ground cover, Creeping Gold Buttons are also known as Cotula. Gold Button flowers can be used in floral arrangements. Grow as a lawn substitute that will naturalize over time.
- Grows in zones 5 to 10 Full Sun
- Reaches 4 inches tall with a spread of 24 inches wide
- Yellow or Tiffindell Gold button-like flowers with bright green, finely textured foliage
- Bloom from late Spring to early Summer
- Resistant to deer
- Tolerant of drought conditions, once established – waterwise
- Plant in a rock garden or use as an alpine plant
- South African native
9. Pretty Mustard Wallflower
Native to Armenia, Iran, and Turkey, Pretty Mustard Wallflower is also known as Erysimum pulchellum. A dense evergreen ground cover, forms woody stems with tiny leaves
- Grows in zones 6 to 8
- Full Sun
- Reaches 2 inches tall and 2 feet wide
- Mustard yellow flowers
- Blooms from late March into April
- Plant in rock gardens
10. Golden Creeping Jenny
Also known as Moneywort due to its coin shaped leaves, Creeping Jenny is a fast growing ground cover. Foliage is lime green and creates a thick carpet of flowers and greenery.
- Grows in zones 3 to 9
- Part Sun and part shade to full Sun
- Reaches 3 to 6 inches tall with a spread of 12 to 18 inches wide
- Bright yellow flowers
- Chartreuse foliage
- Blooms in mid June
- Beneficial to pollinators
- Prefers wet, shallow rocky soil
- Tolerant of light foot traffic
11. Silver Edged Horehound
Evergreen ground cover, the xeric Silver Edged Horehound is also known as Marrubium. One of the best xeric ground covers in gardening environments where soil is poor with hot sunny growing conditions. Native to the high, dry areas of Turkey making it perfectly suited to the Western xeric garden.
- Grows in zones 4 to 9
- Full Sun
- Reaches 10 inches tall and 18 inches wide
- Bee friendly
- Resistant to deer and rabbit
- Fragrant flowers however, this ground cover is more valued for its foliage
- Foliage has soft felted leaves with a bright silver underside that give the foliage a silver edge
- Tolerates sandy, average, low fertility, and well draining soil conditions
- Xeric plant that is tolerant of drought conditions, once established
- Use in a rock garden or Alpine garden setting
- Silver Edged Horehound adds texture to the garden
- And of course, tolerant of occasional foot traffic
12. Pierre Golden Star – Plants that Tolerate Foot Traffic
A low-growing, mat-forming evergreen ground cover, Pierre Golden Star is also known as Chrysogonum virginianum. It is similar to Ajuga. However, Pierre Golden Star has star-shaped golden flowers. In milder Winters, the foliage remains evergreen.
- Grows in zones 5 to 9
- Mostly shade to Full Sun
- Reaches 8 inches tall
- Yellow flowers
- Blooms late Spring to early Fall
- Tolerant of shade and dry shade conditions
- Plant along garden borders as edging
13. Labrador Violet
Also commonly known as Alpine Violet, American Dog Violet, and Viola labradorica. Labrador Violet has low growing mounds of dark green-purple foliage that is attractive.
- Grows in zones 3 to 7
- Part shade and part Sun to Full Sun
- Reaches 6 inches tall
- Lavender colored flowers
- Blooms from June, July, and August
- Covered with bright lavender blooms in spring and early summer,
- Plant in rock gardens or between pavers and stepping stones
- Prefers shade but tolerates some Sun
14. Leptinella squalida Platt’s Black
Also known as Brass buttons, Leptinella squalida Platt’s Black has finely-cut lacy foliage resembling tiny ferns. However, it is related to the Sunflower. In April, it forms a dense, lush ground cover.
- Grows in zones 5 to 9
- Part shade and part Sun to Full Sun
- Reaches 3 inches tall
- Dark green flowers
- Blooms early to mid-Summer
- Striking tiny fern-like foliage that is smoky bronze purple with hints of green
- Tolerates normal and acidic soil conditions
- As well as tolerant of wet sites and light foot traffic
- Perfect for growing around stepping stones and as a ground cover for a slope or bank
15. Dwarf Mondo Grass – Plants That Tolerate Foot Traffic
An evergreen ground cover, the Dwarf Mondo Grass is also known as Ophiopogon japonicus. A lily-like plant used in traditional Japanese gardens underneath pagoda lights and stone basins. Forms lush dense, dark green, grass-like clumps.
- Grows in zones 6 to 11
- Filtered Sun
- Reaches 4 to 6 inches tall and wide
- Purple flowers
- Blooms in the Summer
- Prefers moist soil
- Stays in a dwarf form, ideal for entry gardens, courtyards, and atriums
- Plant en mass plantings and in geometric layouts
16. Mazus Reptans – Plants That Tolerate Foot Traffic
Commonly known as a Cupflower, Mazus Reptans is quick to fill in. forms a dense mat of twisty green foliage.
- Grows in zones 5 to 8
- Part shade and part Sun to Full Sun
- Reaches 3 to 4 inches tall
- Mini orchid-like purple flowers with white accent
- Blooms mid Spring to early Summer
- Resistant to deer
- Plant on a Slope or Bank
- Tolerant of foot traffic conditions
17. Max Frei Saponaria or Giant Flower Soapwort
A vigorous hybrid soapwort, Max Frei Saponaria or Giant Flower Soapwort has huge clusters of clear pink flowers. In late Summer, the plant is covered entirely in pink flowers.
- Grows in zones 4 to 8
- Part shade and part Sun to Full Sun
- Reaches 6 inches tall with a spread of 18 inches wide
- Fragrant quarter-sized pink flowers
- Blooms early Summer to mid-Fall
- Attract Hummingbirds
- Resistant to deer
- Plant in containers, rock gardens, or use as an alpine plant
- Occasional foot traffic is tolerated
- Tolerant of drought conditions, once established – Waterwise
18. Miniature Mat Daisy
Foliage forms a dense mat of foliage, the Miniature Mat Daisy has tiny, spoon-shaped leaves. Also known as Bellium, is a vigorous grower. Blooms are ½ inch white daisies.
- Grows in zones 5 to 9
- Full shade
- Topping out at 2 inches high and 15 inches wide
- White flowers
- Blooms from late Spring through Summer
- Bee friendly
- Plant in containers, in a rock garden, or in an alpine garden
- Ideal for planting between flagstone or pavers
- Best where it receives some rainfall
- Tolerates occasional foot traffic
19. Silver Nailwort – Plants That Tolerate Foot Traffic
A tough-as-nails evergreen ground cover, Silver Nailwort is also known as Paronychia. Paronychia has tiny green thyme-like leaves and silver seed heads that appear as white flowers. These white bracts light up the plant. Native to the Pyrenees Mountains in Southern Europe.
- Grows in zones 4 to 8
- Full Sun
- Reaches 1 inch tall with an 18-inch spread
- White flowers
- Blooms late Spring to early Summer
- Resistant to rabbits
- A xeric plant that is tolerant of drought conditions, once established
- Plant in a rock garden or use as an alpine plant
- Tolerates occasional foot traffic
20. Pink Pussy-Toes
Pink Pussy-Toes is also known as Antennaria dioica Rubra. Slow to spread, Pink Pussy-Toes form a low mat of tiny silver-gray leaves.
- North American native
- Grows in zones 2 to 9
- Full Sun
- Reaches 4 to 6 inches tall with a spread of 10 to 12 inches wide
- Deep pink flowers
- Blooms late spring
- Plant in a rock garden, in a rock wall, between stepping stones, or as ground cover
- Firewise plant
21. Prairie Zinnia
A native of the Southwest US, the Prairie Zinnia thrives in rugged terrain. It prefers hot sunny areas with well-draining soil.
- Native of Arizona, New Mexico, and south-central Colorado
- Grows in zones 4 to 9
- Part shade and part Sun to Full Sun
- Tops out at 4 inches tall with a spread of 15 inches
- Bright golden yellow flowers
- Blooms late Summer to early Fall
- Bee friendly and attracts butterflies
- Resistant to deer and rabbits
- Tolerates sandy, clay, and average soil conditions
- A xeric plant that is tolerant of drought conditions, once established
- Best in Western, hot desert regions as well as areas above 7000 feet
22. Roman Chamomile – Plants that Tolerate Foot Traffic
Sometimes called English Chamomile or Chamaemelum nobile, evergreen Roman Chamomile prefers cool Summers. Adds fragrance to a garden.
- Grows in zones 4 to 11
- Part shade and part Sun to Full Sun
- Reaches 3 to 4 inches high
- Fragrant white flowers
- Flowers beneficial to insects, attract butterflies
- Plant between pavers, between garden paths
- Can be used as a lawn alternative
23. Sagina subulata – Plants That Tolerate Foot Traffic
Also known as Corsican PearlWort, Pearlwort, and Irish Moss, Sagina subulata withstands light foot traffic. Best in evenly moist soil conditions. Protect from the intense afternoon heat in Southern gardens. In cool Summer areas, Sagina subulata can be used as a replacement lawn.
Sagina subulata
In the Spring, tiny translucent star-shaped white flowers appear. Sagina subulata has lush deep green moss-like carpet foliage.
- Grow in zones 4 to 8
- Part shade and part Sun to Full Sun
- Tops out at 1 inch
- White flowers
- Blooms early to late Spring
- Grow in rock gardens, between pavers and stepping stones
- Tolerant of humid and foot traffic conditions
24. Snow-in-Summer
Vigorous enough for a lawn substitute. Snow-in-Summer is also known as Cerastium. In late Spring, ground cover produces a carpet of white blooms.
- Grows in zones 3 to 9
- Full Sun
- Reaches 4 to 5 inches high with a spread of 15 to 18 inches wide
- Blooms in late Spring
- Resistant to deer and rabbits
- Plant in a rock garden, use as an alpine plant
- Tolerates sandy and low fertility soil conditions
- A xeric plant that is tolerant of drought conditions, once the plant has been established
25. Sonoma Coast Yarrow
This ground cover will naturalize over time. The Sonoma Coast Yarrow has feathery, light green leaves.
- Native evergreen ground cover
- Grows in zones 4 to 10
- Part shade and part Sun to full Sun
- Reaches 12 inches tall with a spread of 18 to 24 inches wide
- White flowers
- Blooms late Spring to early Summer
- Bee friendly and attracts butterflies
- Resistant to deer and rabbits
- Tolerates sandy, clay, average, compost-enriched garden loam soil conditions
- Plant as a low-water lawn substitute
- A Waterwise plant that is tolerant of drought conditions, once established
26. Saponaria ocymoides – Plants That Tolerate Foot Traffic
Also known as Rock Soapwort and Pink Soapwort. An evergreen and vigorous ground cover, Saponaria ocymoides is an Old World wildflower that carpets the late Spring garden with bright pink flowers. Reseeds itself and naturalizes in the garden.
- Grows in zones 3 to 8
- Part shade and part Sun to full Sun
- Reaches 4 to 5 inches high and 15 to 18 inches wide
- Fragrant bright pink flower clusters
- Blooms late Spring to early Summer
- Bee friendly and attract butterflies as well as other pollinators
- Resistant to deer
- Grow in containers
- Plant in a rock garden or use as an alpine plant
- Tolerates sandy, clay, and average soil conditions
- Tough enough to sustain occasional foot traffic
- Ideal for cold, short seasons in the intermountain areas of the West
27. Thyme or Thymus – Plants That Tolerate Foot Traffic
Also known as Creeping Thyme, an evergreen ground cover. Produces low mats of attractive foliage with texture and scented. Plant between stepping stones and in cracks of garden walkways. Thymus will tolerate many soils however, they do need good drainage. Remove any Winter damage to the plant in the early Spring. Prune in August.
Thymus Spicy Orange
Native to the Mediterranean region, Thymus Spicy Orange is tolerant of moderate foot traffic. With each step over Spicy Orange releases a delightful spicy-orange perfume. An evergreen plant for use along pavers, stepping stones, and inside the pockets of stone walls.
- Grows in zones 5 to 9
- Full Sun
- Topping out at 2 to 4 inches high
- Lavender-pink flowers with lavender accents
- Blooms in early to mid Summer
- Tolerant of normal and sandy soil conditions
- For a Slope or Bank
- Beneficial for pollinators
- Resistant to deer
- Tough enough to sustain foot traffic conditions
- Prefers drier conditions once established
Thymus vulgaris Silver Posie
Not only used for culinary purposes but used for ornamental as well. Thymus is also known as Upright Thyme is an evergreen ground cover. Or plant Silver Posie in garden beds as an edger. As temperatures cool in the Autumn season, the foliage develops a warm burgundy tone.
- Grows in zones 5 to 8
- Full Sun
- Reaches 6 to 9 inches tall
- Lavender pink flowers
- Fragrant gray-green foliage edged in creamy white
- Blooms late Spring to early Summer
- Beneficial for Pollinators and attracts butterflies
- Resistant to deer
- Tolerates normal and sandy soil conditions
- Plant along a slope or bank to help with soil erosion
- Endures foot traffic conditions
28. Veronica – Plants That Tolerate Foot Traffic
Veronica is commonly known as Speedwell and Creeping Speedwell. Some of the clearest true blues are found in Veronica perennials. Blooms rich in purples, pinks, and whites. Glossy foliage, they prefer evenly moist soil with good drainage.
Veronica Liwanensis
An evergreen dense mat of glossy foliage, Veronica Liwanensis tolerates moderate foot traffic. Plant around stepping stones or pavers. Provide afternoon shade in warmer climates.
- Grows in zones 4 to 9
- Full Sun to mostly Sunny garden areas
- Reaches 3 inches tall
- Periwinkle blue flowers
- Blooms in mid to late Spring
- Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds
- Resistant to deer and rabbit
- Tolerant of normal, clay, and sandy soil conditions
- Versatile enough to grow in shade, humidity, seaside – salt, and foot traffic conditions
- Once established, tolerant of drought conditions.
- Use as a lawn substitute or alternative
Veronica repens Sunshine
A mat-forming, ground-hugging ground cover, Veronica repens Sunshine or Creeping Speedwell has golden yellow leaves. Grown mostly for its bright foliage, blooms briefly in clusters of flowers.
- Grows in zones 4 to 8
- Full Sun to mostly Sunny gardens
- Tops off at 1 to 2 inches high
- Pearl white cluster of flowers
- Blooms from late Spring to early Summer
- Resistant to deer and rabbit
- Tolerates clay, sandy, and normal soil conditions
- Endures various conditions including hot dry sites, the seaside – salt, and foot traffic
- Plant between stepping stones, pathways, or rock garden
Thyme-Leaf Veronica – Plants that Tolerate Foot Traffic
An evergreen ground cover, Thyme Leaf Speedwell is also known as Veronica oltensis. Foliage is tiny evergreen leaves that grow beautifully between pavers, and stepping stones in garden walkways.
- Grows in zones 4 to 9
- Full Sun
- Reaches 1 inch tall with a spread of 24 inches
- Blue flowers
- Blooms early to mid-Spring
- Bee friendly and attracts butterflies
- Resistant deer
- Plant in containers, rock garden, or use as an alpine garden
- Ideal for small spaces and en-mass plantings
- Tolerates sandy, average, low fertility, and well-drained soil conditions
- A waterwise plant that tolerates drought conditions, once established
Veronica Tidal Pool
Developed by noted plantsman, Dr. Jim Ault, Veronica Tidal Pool spreads evenly forming a dense mat. An evergreen ground cover perfect for pathways, rock gardens, or along a garden border.
- Grows in zones 4 to 8
- Part shade and part Sun to Full Sun
- Reaches 2 to 3 inches tall
- Blue-violet flowers with glistening white eyes and silvery green foliage
- Blooms mid to late Spring
- Tolerant of normal, clay, and sandy soil conditions
- Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds
- Resistant to deer and rabbit
- Endures various conditions including hot dry sites, the seaside – salt, and foot traffic
Blue Woolly Veronica
Known as Woolly Speedwell and Veronica pectinate, Blue Woolly Veronica has dense, gray-green foliage. The foliage is not as visible in early Spring when covered with white-eyed, true-blue flowers. Thrives in well draining soil.
- Grows in zones 4 to 9
- Full Sun
- Reaches 2 inches tall with a spread of 18 inches wide
- Blue flowers that age to lavender-blue
- Blooms early to mid-Spring
- Bee friendly and attract butterflies
- Resistant to deer
- Plant in containers, rock garden, or in an alpine garden
- Tolerates sandy, average, low fertility, and well-drained soil conditions
- Once established, tolerant of drought conditions – water-wise as well as occasional foot traffic
29. Barren Strawberry – Plants That Tolerate Foot Traffic
Ornamental, similar to strawberry plants, Barren Strawberry is also known as Waldsteinia Fragarioides. It forms a dense, weed-smothering carpet. Leaves are shiny with yellow buttercup flowers and non-edible fruit.
- Native to the Mid-Eastern and Eastern US
Grows in zones 4 to 8 - Mostly shady to mostly Sunny
- Reaches 8 inches tall
- Yellow blooms
- Blooms from early to late Spring
- Soil conditions that are normal or clay soil are tolerated
- Tolerant of road salt, shade, seaside salt, and foot traffic conditions
30. Wintercreeper Euonymus fortunei Kewensis
A slow grower, Wintercreeper Euonymus fortunei Kewensis can climb up a trellis or other vertical surfaces. A dense evergreen ground cover has small, dainty green leaves with white veins.
- Grows in zones 4 to 9
- Part shade and part Sun to Full Sun
- Reaches 2 to 6 inches tall
- Plant along pathway plant
So do you have any of these ground covers? Or have you used any of these to accommodate foot traffic or a garden pathway? Tell us what you think about these tough low growing wonders. If you enjoyed this post . . . .
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And if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us. We always are ready to help you out. Thank you for dropping by.
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