15 Most Clever Garage Hacks to Keep You Organized
Does your garage look like a storm hit it? Spring has arrived finally, after a long hard winter. Many have taken note of the repairs our homes require over what seemed like a never-ending winter.
As we assess the damage around our home, we realize how much the garage was neglected over the Winter season. With the frigid winds and incredibly cold nights, often times we carelessly tossed snow shovels and snow gear into a pile in the garage thinking we would later clean up and organize the garage once warmer weather arrived.
And, that time has now arrived! It is time to clean and organize the garage.
I’m sure that many of you are in a similar situation of needing to clean and organize your garage before summer begins. After all, we’d rather be at the beach than stay home to clean the garage over the summertime. Don’t you agree?
If your garage needs a spring clean up too, then you should look at the garage organization solutions we’ve listed. We found some clever garage storage solutions that can help you organize your snow gear, sports equipment, and work tools, and prepare you for the warmer days ahead.
I’ll share a handful of clever garage hacks that can help get you organized and hopefully stay organized. Take a look at my nifty garage organization hacks to help you manage your garage and keep it tidy. Let me know what you think about these genius garage storage hacks.
1. Home-It Mop and Broom Holder
The Home-It Mop and Broom Holder attaches to the wall to keep your brooms and mops handy but out of sight. Long handles are hung securely with the Home-It Mop and Broom Holder.
2. SafeRacks 4×8 Overhead Garage Storage Rack
The SafeRacks 4×8 Overhead Garage Storage Rack can utilize the dead space between your garage ceiling and your vehicle. The SafeRacks rack is adjustable to fit a variety of garages.
3. SafeRacks Accessory Hook Package
The SafeRacks Accessory Hook Package attaches to the SafeRack Overhead Garage Storage Rack to secure your gear overhead. Great for bicycle or sports equipment storage.
4. MLTools Pliers Cutters Organization Pro Rack
The MLTools Pliers Cutters Organization Pro Rack helps organize your pliers, cutters, snipers, and more in a tidy rack. A 2-pack set will hold up to 10 pliers each.
5. Wall Control Galvanized Steel Pegboard Tool Organizer
The Wall Control Galvanized Steel Pegboard Tool Organizer attaches to the Wall Control Pegboard to store all your garage tools then can be easily retrieved. The tool organizer is adjustable to fit your tools.
6. Wall Control Slotted Storage Panel Hook Assortment
The Wall Control Slotted Storage Panel Hook Assortment is a 26 piece slotted storage hook kit for use with the Wall Control Pegboard. The hook assortment is a perfect complement to the Wall Control Steel Pegboard for handy storage.
7. Wall Control Galvanized Steel Pegboard Pack
The Wall Control Galvanized Steel Pegboard Pack are a pair to pegboard panels that can store your tools, equipment, and gear. The Pegboard pack includes mounting hardware and is available in ten color options.
8. Green Leaf Wonder Winder Hand Crank Extension Cord Winder
The Green Leaf Wonder Winder Hand Crank Extension Cord Winder holds up to 150 feet of extension cord and winds 100 feet of extension cord quickly. The Cord Winder is portable for use indoors or outdoors.
9. StoreYourBoard Double Ladder Ceiling Rack
The StoreYourBoard Double Ladder Ceiling Rack for storing your ladders in your overhead wall space. For use in your garage, basement, under your deck, or where ever you quick access to your ladders.
10. AmazonBasics 4 Shelf Shelving Unit
The AmazonBasics 4 Shelf Shelving Unit is ideal for your kitchen, office, garage or where you need extra storage. The shelves are adjustable.
11. Shelf Liners For Wire Shelf
The Shelf Liners for Wire Shelves provides a level surface for storage. The liners are waterproof, can be easily cleaned, and are custom tailored to fit the wire shelves.
12. mDesign Wall Mount Paper Towel Holder
The mDesign Wall Mount Paper Towel Holder has a storage shelf making it a handy accessory for the garage. The wall mount feature makes access more convenient while working in the garage.
The 39” Mesh Sports Ball Bag has an adjustable shoulder strap for easy toting. The oversize duffle can hold a number of sports balls and sports equipment.
14. Sports Organizer
The Sports Organizer is a perfect solution to store your outdoor sports gear. Organize your sports equipment in this solid metal organizer with removable hooks.
The Rough Rack 4×4 Tool Rack can store all your long handled brushes, sledge hammers, axes, log splitters, ladders, blowers, shovels, and rakes. Rather than stacking your work tools on the floor or in a corner, consider this handy tool rack to neatly organize your tool so they can be easily retrieved.
After a long winter, it time to consider getting your garage organized in preparation for the Summer. Cleaning out the garage may not be that appealing to you at the moment but you’ll be glad once it is done. Every tool, piece of equipment, or sports gear can be stored away so that your garage looks tidy, orderly, and clean.
Consider implementing these 15 clever garage organization hacks to maintain order and avoid future headaches when you are unable to find your sports equipment or car gear when you need them. If you try any of these 15 clever garage hacks let us know how you make out.

For information about kitchen organization, read our post – 12 Life Changing Kitchen Organization Hacks or our post on refrigerator organization – 10 Mind Blowing Refrigerator Organization Hacks. And if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us in the comments below. We always want to help you out.
Great way to declutter. Planning on getting some shelves and hooks for my bikes and kayak. Hopefully I get good results like the pictures here.
Thanks for the note John and good luck with the organization project. Bikes are such awkward items to stash away neatly, hopefully the hooks work out for you – Let us know how things turn out!