First Time Dog Owner: Cleaning and Odor Elimination Tips
You’ve noticed when you return home that your home doesn’t have that clean smelling scent. Your home has a wet doggy smell that you can’t seem to get rid of by simply opening your windows and airing out the house. Your dog has been sick lately and the house seems to be holding onto those foul smelling odors. You’ve never noticed this foul odor smell before the dog arrived to your happy household. Your a first time dog owner and need some help with cleaning and eliminating odors that your dog can’t help but make.
Even the dog’s feeding area smells like crusty, old dog food. At times it can be a bit overwhelming especially when you first walk into the house. You need a product that can clean, disinfect, and eliminate the awful odors in your home. A product that works hard and doesn’t require intense scrubbing because you are tired at the end of the day.
Well, we’ve gathered a couple of products that may be able to help you in your effort to expel or control those horrid odors in your home and restore that familiar smell of great family cooking in your kitchen. Take a look and let us know what you think!

The Nature’s Miracle Advanced Stain and Odor Eliminator with enzymes target severe dog messes to discourage resoiling by removing the odor where dogs have soiled. The fast-acting stain and odor eliminates severe stains and odors from your household.
- Pet Training Pads (standard size)

The Pet Training Pads are a great way to encourage your dog to potty on the pads rather than potty on the floor or carpet. It is recommended that immediately after every successful potty to reward the dog with positive verbal praise and a special treat. Your dog will gain more confidence when they realize that you are pleased with their behavior.
Consider trying these two products to help you keep your home clean, tidy, and odor free. If you are interesting in getting your house clean as well as eliminate horrid odors from your home give these a try. Try them and let us know how you make out.
If you try any of these suggestions let us know what you think. And if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us in the comments below. As we always are ready to help you out.