23 Juglone Tolerant Shade Plants For Black Walnut Tree Areas
Black Walnut or American Walnut trees provide your yard with much needed shade in the Summertime. They can also be a source of frustration if plants under walnut trees are not juglone tolerant shade plants. Using plants that are juglone tolerant and shade tolerant can meet those two needs. For landscaping under, around or near your walnut tree areas select plants that do well in a full shade or part shade garden location.
We’ve listed 23 juglone tolerant shade plants that need shade or part shade. Take a look at these juglone tolerant plants for shade and tell us what you think.
- Ajuga Black Scallop or Carpet Bugle

Ajuga Black Scallop is a perennial ground cover that has the darkest burgundy to black foliage with blue floral spikes that appear from late Spring to early Summer. Black Scallop Ajuga grows in zones 4 to 9 and tops out between 4 to 6 inches. Black Scallop adapts to a wide range of light conditions, from full Sun to full shade and likes soil conditions that are normal, acidic, or clay. Groundcover perennial Ajuga is beneficial for pollinators, attracts hummingbirds, deer and rabbit resistant, tolerant of dry shade, shade, foot traffic, and seaside/salt garden areas. Black Scallop carpet bugle can be used in container gardens and blooms for 4 weeks or more.
2. Astilbe Nemo or Perennial Spirea

Full shade tolerant Astilbe Nemo or Perennial Spirea has vivid lavender pink plumes that appear in early to midSummer. Astilbe Nemo grows in zones 4 to 8 reaching up to 30 inches tall. Nemo Astilbe has dark foliage and does well in part sun to part shade and full shade. Nemo can be planted in normal, clay or acidic soil. It is both deer and rabbit resistant, attracts butterflies and hummingbirds, and is tolerant of wet garden sites.
3. Astilbe Ostrich Plume or Perennial Spirea

Another full shade tolerant perennial is Astilbe Ostrich Plume which blooms in early Summer has pink weeping panicles on arching stems with dark green foliage. Astilbe Ostrich Plume grows in zones 4 to 8 and tops out at 30 inches tall. Soil conditions for the Astilbe Ostrich Plume can be either normal, clay or acidic. The Ostrich Plum attracts both butterflies and hummingbirds, is resistant to deer and rabbits, provides Winter interest, and is wet site tolerant. Ostrich Plume Astilbe does well in either full shade to part Sun and part shade garden area.
4. Lady Fern

Lady Fern has long arching feathery fronds reaching between 2 to 3 feet long. Grows in zones 3 to 8, Lady Fern does well in mostly sunny to full shade with soil that is either normal, acidic, or sandy. The easy to grow fern is resistant to deer and rabbits, and tolerant of humidity, shade, and wet sites. Provides lush, light green texture foliage during the Summer and gradually spreading forming dense clumps.
5. Campanula Deep Blue or Carpathian Bellflower

This violet blue bloomer, Campanula Deep Blue creates a blue blanket from early Summer to early Fall. Cold-hardy Campanula Deep Blue grows in zones 3 to 8 reaching up to 12 inches tall. The upturned flared bell blooming Deep Blue is beneficial for pollinators, blooms for 4 weeks or more, can be used for container gardening, is tolerant of shade and seaside/salt garden sites. The Deep Blue bellflower likes full Sun to mostly shady garden area.
6. Campanula Rotundifolia Olympica or Blue Bells of Scotland

Campanula Rotundifolia Olympica or the Blue Bells of Scotland have dainty 1 inch blue bell-shaped blooms that appear from early Summer to early Fall. A native wildflower to the Northern Hemisphere, the Blue Bells of Scotland grows in zones 3 to 8 reaching between 8 to 12 inches tall. Shade tolerant Blue Bells is beneficial for pollinators, blooms for 4 weeks to more and likes a full Sun to mostly shade garden area. This campanula looks great in a rock garden or as a naturalized garden field.
7. Helleborus Flower Girl or Lenten Rose

Helleborus Flower Girl or Lenten Rose is a beautiful vanilla blush color with light pink to maroon tinted flowers that appear from early to late Spring. Lightly ruffled petals around ivory stamens make this easy to grow Helleborus Flower Girl so special. Flower Girl Lenten Rose grows in zones 4 to 9 reaching 18 to 24 inches tall and likes mostly sunny to full shade garden areas. Flower Girl likes soil that is normal, acidic, or sandy. This Lenten Rose is dry shade tolerant, resistant to both deer and rabbits, can be used as cut flowers, bloomers for 4 weeks or more and provides Winter interest in the garden. Simply beautiful!
8. Helleborus Matron of Honor or Lenten Rose

Pretty in pink Helleborus Matron of Honor or Lenten Rose has double blossoms of dark to light pink shades with ivory anthers. The easy to grow Helleborus Matron of Honor grows in zones 4 to 9 blooming from early to late Spring. Matron of Honor Lenten Rose reaches between 18 to 24 inches in height and likes a garden area that is mostly sunny to full shade. This evergreen Lenten Rose is tolerant of dry shade and shade, deer and rabbit resistant, blooms for 4 weeks or more and provides your garden with Winter interest during the cold months. These rich colored blossoms can be used as a floating floral arrangement in a water bowl to create an elegant centerpiece. Plant Matron of Honor in either normal, acidic, or sandy soil.
9. Heuchera Fire Alarm or Coral Bell

Heuchera Fire Alarm or Coral Bell has pink flowers on reddish stems that appear from early to late Summer. Developed in Oregon at Terra Nova, Fire Alarm had red foliage in early Spring and Fall, grows in zones 4 to 9, reaching 9 inches tall and 13 inches tall with its blooms! Fire Alarm likes either normal or acidic soil and will grow in a full Sun to full shade garden area. This hot color heuchera attracts butterflies and hummingbirds, is shade tolerant, can be used as cut flowers, and grown in containers.
10. Heuchera Electra or Coral Bell

Reaching 12 inches tall with its white floral blooms, Heuchera Electra or Coral Bell grows in zones 4 to 9 and likes either a part Sun to part shade or full shade garden. The Summer blooming Electra has electric red veins in green yellow foliage that becomes chartreuse during the Summer months. Attracts both butterflies and hummingbirds, the evergreen Heuchera Electra is shade tolerant and can be grown in containers. Electra likes soil that is normal or acidic and tops out at 8 inches tall without the flower spikes.
11. Hosta Island Breeze or Plantain Lily

With lavender blooming coloring stalks, Hosta Island Breeze or Plantain Lily has bright yellow centers edged in dark green that illuminates a shaded garden instantly. Grown in zones 3 to 8, the Hosta Island Breeze tops out at 12 inches and 28 inches with its floral stalks. Island Breeze blooms from mid to late Summer and likes soil that is normal or acidic. The Plantain Lily will grow in a mostly sunny to mostly shady garden area. Tolerant of dry shade, humidity, and shade, Island Breeze can be used in containers and attracts hummingbirds.
12. Hosta Blue Mouse Ears or Plantain Lily

Hosta Blue Mouse Ears or Plantain Lily has tiny mounds of grey-green to blue-green leaves with lavender bell-shaped flowers that bloom from mid to late Summer. A miniature, Blue Mouse Ears grows in zones 3 to 8 and likes either a mostly sunny to mostly shady garden area. Topping out at 8 inches Blue Mouse Ears is a delightful addition to your garden, only reaching 12 inches tall when blooming with its flower spires. This mini Blue Mouse Ears can be grown in soil that is either normal or acidic, attracts hummingbirds, can be grown in containers, is tolerant of dry shade, shade, and humidity. Cold hardy and can tolerate Gulf states humidity.
13. Iris Pink Parfait or Siberian Iris

Easy to grow Iris Pink Parfait or Siberian Iris has lavender pink double blossoms with white and yellow sunburst halos within the ruffled petals. The Pink Parfait grows in zones 3 to 9, tops out between 24 to 30 inches tall, and blooms in mid to late Spring. Deer resistant Pink Parfait likes a garden area with full Sun to mostly shady with soil that is normal, clay, or acidic. Pink Parfait attracts hummingbirds, provides a garden with Winter interest, and is tolerant of shade, humidity, or wet site gardens. Settles in nicely in either a garden bed or moist garden area.
14. Iris Lady Vanessa or Siberian Iris

Iris Lady Vanessa or Siberian Iris is a bi-color wine and red with light lavender blossoms that have an intricate white blaze with yellow. The lovely Lady Vanessa likes a garden with full Sun to mostly shady area, grows in zones 3 to 9, reaching about 36 inches tall. Deer resistant Lady Vanessa attracts hummingbirds, provides gardens with Winter Interest, and is tolerant of shade, humidity, and wet site gardens. Lady Vanessa blooms make their appearance from mid to late Spring and like soil that is normal, clay, or acidic.
15. Liriope Big Blue or Lilyturf

Reaching 14 inches tall, Liriope Big Blue or Lilyturf has blue floral spikes over tufted arching grass-like foliage. Summer blooming Big Blue grows in zones 5 to 10 and in full Sun to mostly shade gardens. Big Blue grows in a variety of light conditions from dry shade to full Sun and in difficult garden sites with normal, acidic, sandy, or clay soil. Big Blue, an evergreen and groundcover, is a garden solution for landscapes with slopes or banks. Deer resistant Big Blue lilyturf is tolerant of dry shade, shade, humidity, foot traffic, and seaside/salt garden conditions. A great use for ornamental or edging plants in a garden bed especially in the Gulf states.
16. Lobelia Vedrariensis or Cardinal Flower

Topping out between 2 to 4 feet tall Lobelia Vedrariensis or Cardinal Flower has dramatic spires of bright purple flowers on narrow spikes that appear from midSummer to early Fall. Deer resistant Lobelia Vedrariensis grows in zones 3 to 8 with a mostly Sun to full shade garden area, and in soil that is normal or clay. Shade tolerant Lobelia Vedrariensis attracts butterflies and hummingbirds, is beneficial for pollinators, wet site tolerant, can be used as cut flowers, and blooms for 4 weeks or more.
17. Cinnamon Fern

Growing between 3 and 5 feet tall, the native Cinnamon Fern derives its name from the cinnamon brown stalks that appear in June, July, and August. The deer resistant Cinnamon Fern grows in zones 3 to 9, likes a garden area with part Sun and part shade to full shade, and likes soil that is loam, sand, or clay. The Cinnamon Fern has a rhizome root and likes a woodland garden area.
18. Jacob’s Ladder or Polemonium reptans, Greek Valerian

Also known as Polemonium reptans or Greek Valerian, Jacob’s Ladder blooms in May or June and produces small, lavender-blue blooms reaching 1 to 2 feet tall. A shade garden favorite, Jacob’s Ladder grows in zones 3 to 7 with mature plants remaining green throughout the Summer months. A fibrous root, Jacob’s Ladder likes loam for its soil and likes a garden area that is full Sun, part Sun and part shade, or full shade. A good source of nectar and pollen for pollinators early in the Spring.
19. Christmas Fern or Polystichum acrostichoides

Evergreen and a native, Christmas Fern has 2 feet long fronds and grows in zones 3 to 8. Deer resistant Christmas Fern likes a garden location with part Sun and part shade to full shade. Attractive year around, Christmas Fern thrives in shade and in woodland soil. This fern can take some Sun if the soil is kept damp. Used in Christmas decorations, Christmas Fern is a great selection for a shady area.
20. Primula Supernova Fire or Primrose

Primula Supernova Fire or Primrose has fiery orange red petals with bright yellow centers that appear mid to late Spring. With its crinkled emerald green foliage, Supernova Fire likes rich organic soil and some shade. Grows in zones 4 to 9 reaching up to 6 inches tall, Supernova Fire attracts butterflies, can be used for cut flowers, and likes soil that is normal or acidic. This fresh looking primrose likes a garden area with mostly sunny to full shade.
21. Pulmonaria Raspberry Splash or Lungwort

Deer resistant Pulmonaria Raspberry Splash or Lungwort has bright raspberry and deep purple blossoms on an upright habit with spotted lance-like leaves. Topping out at 12 inches, Raspberry Splash grows in zones 3 to 9, and likes soil that is normal or clay. Prized for its patterned foliage, Raspberry Splash blooms from early to mid Spring and likes garden areas that are mostly sunny to full shade. Attractive all season, this lungwort is beneficial for pollinators, can be grown in containers, provides gardens with Winter Interest, and is tolerant of dry shade, shade, or wet site locations.
22. Bloodroot or Sanguinaria Canadensis

The native Bloodroot or Sanguinaria Canadensis has white petals with orangy yellow centers that bloom around April and May. Deer resistant Bloodroot grows in zones 4 to 8 reaching between 3 to 12 inches tall. Opening in full Sun and closing at night during the Spring season, Bloodroot likes a part Sun and part shade to full shade garden area with soil that is loam, sand, or clay. Prefers a medium to moist to wet soil area.
23. Viola Northern Lights or Violet, Pansy

Add glorious Spring color to your garden with this Viola Northern Lights, also known as a Violet or Pansy. Fragrant Viola Northern Lights attracts butterflies, blooms for 4 weeks or more, and can be used as cut flowers. Topping out at 5 to 6 inches tall, Northern Lights has purple with yellow accent blooms that appear from mid Spring to early Summer. A vibrant Violet grows in zones 5 to 10, likes a garden location that is part Sun and part shade to full shade and likes soil that is either normal, sandy, or acidic.
These are 23 juglone tolerant shade plants that are need full shade or part shade. If you try any of plants let us know how your make out.
For additional resources for planting juglone tolerant plants be sure to read our post on Ultimate Resource Guide to Gardening with Toxic Black Walnut Trees. For information on juglone tolerant plants for a Sunny garden area, see our posts 27 Juglone Tolerant Sun Loving Plants for Black Walnut Areas. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us in the comments below. We always are ready to help you out.
Please help me out with info I want to plant Tor Spirea the problem I am having is that there is a 25 year old walnut tree beside and planting a Amur privet about 25 feet away please tell will they live and is it ok to plant now I purchased them already