26 Spring Blooming Daffodils To Plant in the Fall

26 Spring Blooming Daffodils Narcissus Ornatus #Daffodils #FragrantDaffodils #Narcissus #Spring #SpringBulbs #BulbPlanting #FallPlanting #Gardening #Landscape #WhiteFlowerFarm #DeerResistant

26 Spring Blooming Daffodils Narcissus Ornatus #Daffodils #FragrantDaffodils #Narcissus #Spring #SpringBulbs #BulbPlanting #FallPlanting #Gardening #Landscape #WhiteFlowerFarm #DeerResistant

26 Spring Blooming Daffodils Narcissus Ornatus #Daffodils #FragrantDaffodils #Narcissus #Spring #SpringBulbs #BulbPlanting #FallPlanting #Gardening #Landscape #WhiteFlowerFarm #DeerResistant

Some of the first plants to bloom in the Springtime are daffodils. The more traditional daffodils are yellow, white, or a combination of yellows and white. Lucky for us, there are newer varieties of Spring blooming daffodils that have touches of apricot or pink colors that are stunning and irresistible to gardeners. These gorgeous daffodils can be some of the first plantings to brighten your garden after a long, cold dreary winter season. Spring blooming daffodils reminds us that Spring has arrived. Plant daffodil bulbs in the early Fall for incredible color in your garden next Spring. Believe me, next Spring you’ll be glad you did!

If you need some color in your Spring garden, consider planting Daffodil bulbs in the Fall. There are many to choose from in many colors and color combinations, even some with fragrance, but best of all, deer don’t seem to be the least bit interested in daffodils! So if your garden suffers from plant loss due to the many hungry deer in your neighborhood, there is a good chance your hardy daffodils will survive the Winter. Then in the Spring, you can enjoy your Spring garden.    

We’ve found 26 Spring Blooming Daffodils that can energize your Winter garden as it transitions into a Spring garden. Brighten your Winter landscape with any of these lovely daffodils. Take a look at these gorgeous daffodils and let us know what you think.


  1. Narcissus Ornatus  
26 Spring Blooming Daffodils Narcissus Ornatus #Daffodils #FragrantDaffodils #Narcissus #Spring #SpringBulbs #BulbPlanting #FallPlanting #Gardening #Landscape #WhiteFlowerFarm #DeerResistant #NarcissusOrnatus
26 Spring Blooming Daffodils – Narcissus Ornatus

The fragrant Narcissus Ornatus has gleaming white petals with a yellow cup that is red-rimmed. The easy to grow Narcissus Ornatus blooms in April, grows between 8 to 10 inches tall, and likes either a full Sun or part shade garden. The deer resistant Narcissus Ornatus can be used as cut flowers for creating floral arrangements, grown in containers, or in flower beds.   


2. Narcissus Rose of May  

26 Spring Blooming Daffodils Narcissus Rose Of May #Daffodils #Narcissus #Spring #SpringBulbs #BulbPlanting #FallPlanting #Gardening #Landscape #WhiteFlowerFarm #NarcissusRoseofMay #DeerResistant #Fragrant #FragrantDaffodils
26 Spring Blooming Daffodils – Narcissus Rose of May

The scented Narcissus Rose of May has whirls of pale ivory petals that remind you of Gardenias. The double Narcissus Rose of May grows between 12 and 16 inches tall, blooms in May (of course!), and does well in either a sunny garden or a part shade garden. The deer resistant Narcissus Rose of May can be used as cut flowers in floral bouquets, grown in containers or in your favorite garden spot.


3. Narcissus Minnow

26 Spring Blooming Daffodils Narcissus Minnow #Daffodils #Narcissus #Spring #SpringBulbs #BulbPlanting #FallPlanting #Gardening #Landscape #WhiteFlowerFarm #Narcissus Minnow #FragrantDaffodils #DeerResistant
26 Spring Blooming Daffodils – Narcissus Minnow

The fragrant Narcissus Minnow is a Tazetta type of daffodil with white petals surrounding a buttercup yellow center. The dainty Narcissus Minnow blooms in April, reaches 5 to 6 inches tall, and likes either a sunny garden or a part shade garden. The Narcissus Minnow is deer resistant, can be grown in containers, and used in a cut floral arrangement.


4. Narcissus Starlight Sensation

26 Spring Blooming Daffodils Narcissus Starlight Sensation #NarcissusStarlightSensastion #DeerResistant #Fragrant #FragrantDaffodils #Daffodils #Narcissus #Spring #SpringBulbs #BulbPlanting #FallPlanting #Gardening #Landscape #WhiteFlowerFarm
26 Spring Blooming Daffodils – Narcissus Starlight Sensation

The fragrant Narcissus Starlight Sensation has creamy white blooms with ribbed coronas that appear in April and May. The Triandrus hybrid Narcissus Starlight Sensation can grow between 12 to 16 inches tall, likes a sunny or partial shade garden, and is deer resistant. The new Narcissus Starlight Sensation daffodil is a beautiful additional to any garden.  


5. Narcissus Amore Mio

26 Spring Blooming Daffodils Narcissus Amore Mio #Daffodils #Narcissus #Spring #SpringBulbs #BulbPlanting #FallPlanting #Gardening #Landscape #WhiteFlowerFarm #NarcissusAmoreMio #DeerResistant
26 Spring Blooming Daffodils – Narcissus Amore Mio

The fragrant Narcissus Amore Mio or My Love (Italian) has round, pristine white petals surrounding a gently ruffled white corona with subtle blush color. The deer resistant Narcissus Amore Mio blooms in April, can reach between 15 to 20 inches tall, and likes a sunny or part shade garden.  


6. Narcissus Moonlight Sensation  

26 Spring Blooming Daffodils - Narcissus Moonlight Sensation #Daffodils #Narcissus #Spring #SpringBulbs #BulbPlanting #FallPlanting #Gardening #Landscape #WhiteFlowerFarm #NarcissusMoonlightSensation #Fragrant #DeerResistant
26 Spring Blooming Daffodils – Narcissus Moonlight Sensation

The fragrant Narcissus Moonlight Sensation has soft yellow blooms that appear in April to May. The deer resistant Narcissus Moonlight Sensation can reach between 12 to 16 inches tall, likes either a sunny or part shade garden, and is deer resistant.  Narcissus Moonlight Sensation is a beautiful sweet yellow daffodil that will not disappoint.


7. Tete a Tete Miniature Daffodil

26 Spring Blooming Daffodils Tete A Tete Miniature Daffodil #Daffodils #Narcissus #Spring #SpringBulbs #BulbPlanting #FallPlanting #Gardening #Landscape #WhiteFlowerFarm #TeteaTeteMiniatureDaffodils #Fragrant #FragrantDaffodils
26 Spring Blooming Daffodils – Tete a Tete Miniature Daffodil

The fragrant Tete a Tete Miniature Daffodil has solid yellow blooms appearing in early Spring. The 6 to 8 inch tall Tete a Tete Miniature Daffodil is deer resistant and easy to grow. The Tete a Tete Miniature Daffodil loves either a sunny or part shade garden, can be used as cut flowers, in container gardens, or in flower beds.  


8. Dutch Master Trumpet Daffodil

26 Spring Blooming Daffodils Dutch Master Trumpet Daffodil #Daffodils #Narcissus #Spring #SpringBulbs #BulbPlanting #FallPlanting #Gardening #Landscape #AmericanMeadows #DutchMasterDaffodils #KingAlfredImproved
26 Spring Blooming Daffodils – Dutch Master Trumpet Daffodils

The Dutch Master Trumpet Daffodil, also called King Alfred Improved has a classic yellow color bloom that appears in mid Spring. The deer resistant Dutch Master Trumpet Daffodils grow between 14 to 16 inches tall, likes a sunny or part shade garden, and makes a great cut flower. The Dutch Master Trumpet Daffodils can be grown in a container, flower beds, or used to naturalize your landscape.


9. Scarlet O’Hara Large Cupped Daffodil

26 Spring Blooming Daffodils - Scarlet O'Hara Large Cupped Daffodils #Daffodils #Narcissus #Spring #SpringBulbs #BulbPlanting #FallPlanting #Gardening #Landscape #DeerResistant #AmericanMeadows #ScarletOHaraDaffodils
26 Spring Blooming Daffodils – Scarlet O’Hara Large Cupped Daffodils

The Scarlet O’Hara Large Cupped Daffodil has bright yellow petals with a flaming orange cup. The Scarlet O’Hara Large Cupped Daffodil blooms in mid Spring, reaches 12 to 14 inches tall, and likes a sunny or part shade garden. The deer resistant Scarlet O’Hara Large Cupped Daffodil can be used as cut flowers in bouquets or arrangements, grown in containers, or in flower beds.  


10. Fortissimo Large Cupped Daffodil

A D Fortissimo Large Cupped Daffodil
26 Spring Blooming Daffodils – Fortissimo Large Cupped Daffodil

The Fortissimo Large cupped Daffodil has rich gold petals with a glowing orange cup that blooms in mid Spring.  The dramatic Fortissimo Large cupped Daffodil grows between 14 to 16 inches tall, is deer resistant, and does well in either a sunny or part sun and part shade garden. The easy to grow Fortissimo Daffodil makes an excellent cut flower, can be easily grown in containers, or planted in a flower bed. An excellent selection to add a little drama to your garden.  


11. Pink Cupped Daffodils Mixed

26 Spring Blooming Daffodils - Pink Large Cupped Daffodil #Daffodils #Narcissus #Spring #SpringBulbs #BulbPlanting #FallPlanting #Gardening #Landscape #AmericanMeadows #DeerResistant
26 Spring Blooming Daffodils – Pink Large Cupped Daffodil

The Pink Cupped Daffodils Mixed is a mix of pink trumpet daffodils, pink ring styles daffodils, and other pink daffodils. The Pink Cupped Daffodils Mixed can either be mixed with yellow daffodils or planted alone in a full Sun or part shade garden area. The deer resistant Pink Cupped Daffodils Mixed will reach between 12 to 16 inches tall, bloom in mid Spring, and make great cut flowers.  


12. Tahiti Double Daffodil

26 Spring Blooming Daffodils - Tahiti Double Daffodil #Daffodils #Narcissus #Spring #SpringBulbs #BulbPlanting #FallPlanting #Gardening #Landscape #TahitiDoubleDaffodil #AmericanMeadows
26 Spring Blooming Daffodils – Tahiti Double Daffodil

The elegant Tahiti Double Daffodil has a tropical twist with its double yellow petals and reddish-orange interior marks. The Tahiti Double Daffodil can grown between 14 to 16 inches tall, blooms in mid Spring, and is deer resistant. The easy to grow Tahiti Double Daffodil will look lovely in either a sunny garden or a part shade garden and can make great cut floral bouquets or arrangements.   


13. Ice Follies Large Cupped Daffodil  

26 Spring Blooming Daffodils Ice Follies Large Cupped Daffodils #Daffodils #Narcissus #Spring #SpringBulbs #BulbPlanting #FallPlanting #Gardening #Landscape #IceFolliesDaffodils #DeerResistant #AmericanMeadows
26 Spring Blooming Daffodils – Ice Follies Large Cupped Daffodils

The Ice Follies Large Cupped Daffodil has strong, white petals with a ruffled, yellow center that make elegant spring bouquets. The Ice Follies Large Cupped Daffodil grows between 12 to 14 inches tall, blooms in mid Spring, and are deer resistant. The Ice Follies Daffodil can be grown in containers or in flower beds.  


14. Pink Parasol Trumpet Daffodil

26 Spring Blooming Daffodils Pink Parasol Trumpet Daffodil #Daffodils #Narcissus #Spring #SpringBulbs #BulbPlanting #FallPlanting #Gardening #Landscape #AmericanMeadows #PinkParasolTrumpetDaffodil
26 Spring Blooming Daffodils – Pink Parasol Trumpet Daffodil

The sweet fragrant Pink Parasol Trumpet Daffodil has single white petals with a fluted pink peachy center that bloom in mid Spring. The beautiful Pink Parasol Trumpet Daffodil will reach 14 to 16 inches tall, likes both a sunny garden and a part shade garden. The deer resistant Pink Parasol Daffodil can be grown in containers and make excellent cut bouquets.


15. Apricot Whirl Butterfly Daffodil

26 Spring Blooming Daffodils Apricot Whirl Butterfly Daffodils #Daffodils #Narcissus #Spring #SpringBulbs #BulbPlanting #FallPlanting #Gardening #Landscape #AmericanMeadows #ApricotWhirlButterflyDaffodil
26 Spring Blooming Daffodils – Apricot Whirl Butterfly Daffodil

The Apricot Whirl Butterfly Daffodil has elegant ruffled apricot-peach centers with double white petals that bloom in mid Spring. The elegant Apricot Whirl Butterfly Daffodil can grow between 14 to 16 inches tall, is deer resistant, and likes either full sun or part shade garden. The Apricot Whirl Butterfly Daffodil is a stunning selection when planted in containers or in flower beds.   


16. Trepolo Butterfly Daffodil

26 Spring Blooming Daffodils - Trepolo Butterfly Daffodil #TrepoloButterflyDaffodil #DeerResistant #Daffodils #Narcissus #Spring #SpringBulbs #BulbPlanting #FallPlanting #Gardening #Landscape #AmericanMeadows
26 Spring Blooming Daffodils – Trepolo Butterfly Daffodil

The Trepolo Butterfly Daffodil is a unique daffodil that has white petals with a split corona cup that has a ruffled texture accented with an orange and yellow star-like pattern. The mid Spring blooming Trepolo Butterfly Daffodil makes delightful fragrant floral arrangements with its 14 to 16 inch tall blooms. The deer resistant Trepolo Butterfly Daffodil likes either a sunny garden or a part sun garden to part shade garden. An easy to grow selection and great for container gardening.


17. Peach Cobbler Double Daffodil

26 Spring Blooming Daffodils Peach Cobbler Double Daffodil #Daffodils #Narcissus #Spring #SpringBulbs #BulbPlanting #FallPlanting #Gardening #Landscape #PeachCobblerDoubleDaffodil #AmericanMeadows #Fragrant #FragrantDaffodil
26 Spring Blooming Daffodils – Peach Cobbler Double Daffodil

The fragrant Peach Cobbler Double Daffodil has double light yellow petals with orange centers that bloom in mid Spring. The Peach Cobbler Double Daffodil grows between 14 to 16 inches tall, likes either a sunny garden or a combination sun and part shade garden. The deer resistant Peach Cobbler Double Daffodil is a perfect addition to your garden and your cut floral arrangements will look amazing with those extra petals in soft tones of creamy white, peach, and yellow.


18. Sunny Side Up Butterfly Daffodil

26 Spring Blooming Daffodils - Sunny Side Up Butterfly Daffodil #Daffodils #Narcissus #Spring #SpringBulbs #BulbPlanting #FallPlanting #Gardening #Landscape #AmericanMeadows #SunnySideUpButterflyDaffodil
26 Spring Blooming Daffodils – Sunny Side Up Butterfly Daffodil

The Sunny Side Up Butterfly Daffodil has pale yellow and cream petals appearing in early Spring on 16 to 20 inch plants. The Sunny Side Up Butterfly Daffodil is stunning when planted in mass, loves both full sun or a part shade garden area, and is easy to grow. The Sunny Side Up Butterfly Daffodil is bee friendly, deer and rabbit resistant, and is a stunning addition to your cut flower garden.   


19. Sweet Love Daffodil

26 Spring Blooming Daffodils - Sweet Love Daffodil #Daffodils #Narcissus #Spring #SpringBulbs #BulbPlanting #FallPlanting #Gardening #Landscape #AmericanMeadows #SweetLoveDaffodils
26 Spring Blooming Daffodils – Sweet Love Daffodil

The Sweet Love Daffodil has elegant, pure-white petals with a gorgeous golden yellow cup blooming in mid Spring. The Sweet Love Daffodil reaches 12 to 18 inches tall, and is deer resistant. The Sweet Love Daffodil will thrive in a sunny or part shade garden, and can be planted in containers or in flower beds.


20.  3 Months of Daffodils Mix

26 Spring Blooming Daffodils - 3 Months of Daffodils Mix #Daffodils #Narcissus #Spring #SpringBulbs #BulbPlanting #FallPlanting #Gardening #Landscape #AmericanMeadows #DeerResistant #Fragrant #FragrantDaffodils
26 Spring Blooming Daffodils – 3 Months of Daffodils Mix

The 3 Months of Daffodils Mix are a mix of yellow, white and cream colored daffodils blooming in early, mid, and late Spring. The 3 Months of Daffodils Mix will grow between 10 to 24 inches tall, have spring fragrances, and make excellent cut flowers. The deer resistant 3 Months of Daffodils Mix grow well in sunny to part shade gardens, and can be grown in containers or in flower beds. 


21. British Gamble Giant Daffodil

26 Spring Blooming Daffodils British Gamble Giant Daffodil #Daffodils #Narcissus #Spring #SpringBulbs #BulbPlanting #FallPlanting #Gardening #Landscape #DeerResistant #AmericanMeadows #BritishGambleDaffodils
26 Spring Blooming Daffodils – British Gamble Giant Daffodil

The fragrant British Gamble Giant Daffodil has pure white petals and coral pink trumpets that are 5 to 6 inches wide appearing in early to mid Spring. The deer resistant British Gamble Giant Daffodil grows 18 to 24 inches tall, likes either a sunny or part shade garden, and can be used in floral bouquets or arrangements. A great choice for naturalizing or plant the British Gamble Giant Daffodils in flower beds.   


22. White Lion Double Blooming Daffodil

26 Spring Blooming Daffodils White Lion Daffodil #Daffodils #Narcissus #Spring #SpringBulbs #BulbPlanting #FallPlanting #Gardening #Landscape #DeerResistant #Brecks #WhiteLionDaffodil
26 Spring Blooming Daffodils – White Lion Daffodil

The White Lion Double Blooming Daffodil has a full creamy white blooms with soft yellow centers that bloom in mid Spring. The fragrant White Lion Double Blooming Daffodil stands between 18 to 20 inches tall, is deer resistant, and can be grown in containers or flower beds. The White Lion Double Blooming Daffodil can thrive in either a sunny location or a part sun and part shade garden location.  


23. Spring Cheer Daffodil

26 Spring Blooming Daffodils - Spring Cheer Daffodil #Daffodils #Narcissus #Spring #SpringBulbs #BulbPlanting #FallPlanting #Gardening #Landscape #DeerResistant #SpringCheerDaffodil #Brecks
26 Spring Blooming Daffodils – Spring Cheer Daffodil

The elegant Spring Cheer Daffodil have ivory white petals with a slight yellow trace of color that blooms in early to mid Spring. An excellent choice for containers or along flower bed borders. The easy to grow Spring Cheer Daffodil likes either a sunny garden or a part shade garden, reaches 10 to 12 inches tall, and is deer resistant. The Spring Cheer Daffodil makes great cut flowers.


24. Pink Wonder Daffodil

26 Spring Blooming Daffodils - Pink Wonder Daffodil #PinkWonderDaffodil #Daffodils #Narcissus #Spring #SpringBulbs #BulbPlanting #FallPlanting #Gardening #Landscape #DeerResistant #Brecks
26 Spring Blooming Daffodils – Pink Wonder Daffodil

The Pink Wonder Daffodil has an extremely full, ruffled cup of pink with white petals and a small yellow center. It typically opens to a peachy shade and softens to a warm pink shade as the bloom matures. A perfect selection for flower bed borders, naturalizing areas, or as an addition to your cut flower garden. The Pink Wonder Daffodil blooms in mid Spring, grows 16 to 18 inches tall, and is deer resistant. The Pink Wonder Daffodil will happily settle in either a sunny garden or a part sun and part shade garden.


25. Sinopel Daffodil

26 Spring Blooming Daffodils Sinopel Daffodil #Daffodils #Narcissus #Spring #SpringBulbs #BulbPlanting #FallPlanting #Gardening #Landscape #DeerResistant #Brecks #SinopelDaffodil #Fragrant #FragrantDaffodils
26 Spring Blooming Daffodils – Sinopel Daffodil

The sweetly fragrant Sinopel Daffodil has icy white petals surrounding a frilled, spring green cup that has a soft yellow rim. The spring green cup becomes more intense as the temperature rises during the blooming season of mid to late Spring. The deer resistant Sinopel Daffodil grows up to 14 inches tall, likes a sunny garden or part shade garden, and can be grown in containers. A great addition to any garden, the Sinopel Daffodil will stand out in any garden.  


26. Mount Hood Daffodil

26 Spring Blooming Daffodils Mount Hood Daffodil #Daffodils #Narcissus #Spring #SpringBulbs #BulbPlanting #FallPlanting #Gardening #Landscape #DeerResistant #Brecks #MountHoodDaffodil
26 Spring Blooming Daffodils – Mount Hood Daffodil

The Mount Hood Daffodil is a fine all white, giant trumpet daffodil. The blooms open in a pale primrose yellow, then turn to a snowy white color. The deer resistant Mount Hood Daffodil reaches between 16 to 18 inches tall and likes either a sunny garden or part shade area. A great cut flower, the Mount Hood Daffodil makes for an incredible floral bouquet.      


After the harshness of every Winter season, we inevitably turn to our gardens in search of that first visible sign of Spring. Whether it be to look at our flower beds, shrubs or dogwood trees, we hope to find the tiniest of leave buds or some indication that the Spring season is upon us. As daffodils emerge from the ground, we instantly know that our garden has awoken and our garden plants will soon deliver all its beauty.  

Consider any of these delightful Spring blooming daffodils to brighten your garden as the winter season winds down. Who knows, they may even help with busting the Winter blues. If you try any of these ideas let us know how you make out.  

For information on vines or climbers, see our post 17 Vibrant Flowering Vines for Your Arbor, Trellis, or Pergola. For container gardening information, see our post 35 Cool Container Plants. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us in the comments below. We always are ready to help you out.   


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