Hardy Chrysanthemums 18 to Plant Now for Fabulous Fall Color
Hardy Chrysanthemums to plant this spring for gorgeous fall color in the garden. While shopping for plants this Spring, add a few mums to your garden shopping list. When autumn arrives, sit back and enjoy the fall colors.
Fall-blooming hardy Chrysanthemums are available in many sizes and colors. They deliver glorious Autumn color to the landscape. It can be done if you want to keep Chrysanthemums longer than the Fall season, even if you live in a colder climate. You’ll have to take a few extra steps to ensure they survive beyond the Winter season. First of all, plant Mums in the late Spring season. This allows the Chrysanthemums to develop stronger root systems over the Summer months. This will prepare them for the upcoming colder Winter months.
Soil Needs
Hardy Chrysanthemums like well-draining soil. This is a must! Mix sphagnum peat moss and compost into the compacted soil if you have clay-compacted soil. Chrysanthemum roots will rot if allowed to stand in trapped water in compacted soil. So, it is important that the soil where the Mums are planted be well-draining.
Light Requirements
Chrysanthemums do best in the full Sun. So the more Sun the mum is exposed to, the more flower buds the mum will produce. Although some mums are tolerant of partial shade, it is best to grow them where they receive a fair amount of sun. A Sunny garden area allows the Mum stems to develop into strong, sturdy stems. A drier garden decreases the likelihood that the Mum develops any harmful fungus.
Add Mulch
After planting hardy chrysanthemums, be sure to add a generous layer of mulch in the Fall before temperatures begin to drop. This will better protect them over the Winter months. In the Spring, remove any excess mulch to avoid root rot. This will allow water to quickly drain away from the mums during the warming Spring months.
Blooming Period
Buds will begin to form in late Spring and into early Summer. To delay the opening of the Mum buds, pinch back any buds in early July. By controlling the bud opening, you accomplish two things. First, pinching back earlier buds will allow even more buds to form on the stems. Second, it ensures that the mums bloom over the Fall season instead of the mid-summer months.
Hardy Chrysanthemums are easy to care for. They provide unrivaled Autumn color to the landscape. Get a jumpstart on your Fall landscape this Spring with these beautiful Chrysanthemums. We’ve rounded up 18 hardy Chrysanthemums that will make your garden look spectacular! Take a look at these hardy chrysanthemums. And be sure to let us know what you think.
Mammoth Daisy Coral Garden Mum – Hardy Chrysanthemums
Mammoth Daisy Coral Garden Mum has Coral Lavender daisies in the Fall. Developed for vigor and hardiness. Mature Daisy Coral Mums grow up to 3 feet tall and 4 feet wide. A dense, tight habit the Daisy Coral delivers Autumn color at its best. Grows in zones 3 to 9 in full Sun. Reaches 20 to 36 inches tall with a 20 to 48 inch spread. Fall blooming mum. Resistant to cold, deer and rabbits. Plant in garden beds and borders. Use in containers. Perfect for cut flower arrangements.
2. Mammoth Daisy Quill Yellow Garden Mum

Mammoth Daisy Quill Yellow Garden Mum has bright yellow quilled daisies with spoon-shaped ray florets. A dense, tight habit the Daisy Quill Yellow mum delivers beautiful daisies. Grows in zones 3 to 9 in full Sun. Tops out at 20 to 36 inches tall with a spread of 20 to 48 inches wide. A Fall bloomer, Daisy Quill Yellow is resistant to the cold, deer and rabbits. Plant in garden beds and borders. And can be planted in containers.
3. Mammoth White Daisy Garden Mum
Mammoth White Daisy Garden Mum has vibrant blooms on cushion-shaped plants. Grows in zones 3 to 9 in full Sun or part Sun and shade. Topping out at 30 to 36 inches. Blooms in mid September until frost.
4. Real Charmer Chrysanthemum
Real Charmer Chrysanthemum is known as Shasta Daisy and Leucanthemum superbum. Charming Real Charmer has large creamy ivory to lemon-yellow petals and shorter fringed central petals. Blooms appear in late Spring to mid-Summer. Showy flowers and wind resistant. Grows in zones 5 to 9 in full Sun to mostly Sun. Reaches 20 inches tall. Grows in soil that is normal or clay. Real Charmer is beneficial for pollinators and attracts butterflies. Long blooming Real Charmer is rabbit resistant. Can be grown in containers. And can be used as cut flowers.
5. Homecoming Chrysanthemum
Homecoming Chrysanthemum is a Football Style Chrysanthemum. Football Mum Homecoming begin as a burnished salmon then turn to a soft peach. Ending with creamy yellow blooms. Blooms begin in early Fall and end in late Fall. Grows in zones 5 to 9 in full Sun. Reaches 36 inches tall. Long blooming and attracts butterflies. Deer resistant and blooms can be used as cut flowers.
6. Coppersmith Chrysanthemum
The long-blowing Coppersmith Chrysanthemum is a spectacular cushion-style Chrysanthemum. Coppersmith has bright copper bronze petals. Blooms from early to late Fall. Typically you’ll see a six to eight week colorful display of Coppersmith blooms. Grows in zones 5 to 9 in full Sun. Reaching 24 to 36 inches tall. Attracts butterflies and is deer resistant.
7. Volunteer Chrysanthemum – Hardy Chrysanthemums
Showy Volunteer Chrysanthemum is a large flowered garden-style chrysanthemum. Rich red hue blooms appear from early to late Fall. Grows in zones 5 to 9 in full Sun. Reaches between 2 to 3 feet tall. A long blooming deer resistant mum that attracts butterflies. Ideal for garden borders and beds.
8. Grape Queen Chrysanthemum
Grape Queen Chrysanthemum is a football style chrysanthemum. Blossoms of purple grape tones with white accents appear in early Fall. They create a silvery sheen on the underside of the petals. Blooms until late Fall. Grows in zones 5 to 9 in full Sun. Tops out at 3 feet. A long blooming mum that is deer resistant. Attracts butterflies to the mum blooms.
9. Jessica Louise Chrysanthemum
Jessica Louise Chrysanthemum is a large flowered garden-style chrysanthemum. Blossoms are pale pink petals with shades of deeper pink that deliver a burst of color in the garden landscape. Long blooming pink blooms appear early to fall late. Grows in zones 5 to 9 in full Sun. Topping out at 24 to 36 inches. Deer resistant and attracts butterflies.
10. Debutante Chrysanthemum – Hardy Chrysanthemums
Debutante Chrysanthemum is a garden style chrysanthemum. Debutante has bright fuschia blooms that appear from early to late Fall. Grows in zones 5 to 9 in full Sun. Reaches 18 to 36 inches in height. Deer resistant and long blooming mum. Attract butterflies.
11. Banana Cream Leucanthemum x superbum
Banana Cream Leucanthemum is also known as a Shasta Daisy. Banana Cream has 4-inch bright lemon yellow blooms that turn into a buttery yellow. Shasta Daisies begins blooming in the Summertime. Foliage is a dark green color and is disease-resistant. A showy, compact plant that is a reliable perennial. Grows in zones 5 to 8 in full Sun. Tops out at 15 to 18 inches. Blooms June through August.
12. Fall Charm Chrysanthemum – Hardy Chrysanthemum
Fall Charm Chrysanthemum is a large flowered garden-style chrysanthemum. Fall Charm blooms open to a deep lavender with gorgeous gold central petals. Blooms early to late Fall. Grows in zones 5 to 9 in full Sun. Reaching between 24 to 36 inches tall. Deer resistant and attracts butterflies. Long blooming mum.
13. Lemon Baby Tears Chrysanthemum
Lemon Baby Tears Chrysanthemum is a button-style chrysanthemum. Produces bushel basket-ready mums with lemon drop yellow flowers. Mounds of cheery yellow color appear from early to late Fall. Grows in zones 5 to 9 in full Sun. Reaches 16 to 24 inches tall. Deer resistant, long blooming, and attracts beautiful hummingbirds.
14. Baby Tears Chrysanthemum – Hardy Chrysanthemums
Baby Tears Chrysanthemum is a button-style chrysanthemum. Dainty white buttons of Baby Tears appear from early to late Fall. As the Baby Tears blooms age, the edges become violet in color. Tightly petaled blooms are wind and weather-tolerant. Grows in zones 5 to 9 in Full Sun. Tops out at 8 to 16 inches. Attracts beautiful butterflies. A deer-resistant and long-blooming perennial
15. Honeycomb Chrysanthemum
Honeycomb Chrysanthemum is a button style chrysanthemum. Honeycomb blooms are a copper bronze color. A gorgeous coppery color mound appears from early to late Fall. Grows in zones 5 to 9 in full Sun. Tops out at 8 to 16 inches. Attracts butterflies. A long blooming perennial that is deer resistant. Ideal for floral arrangements.
16. Sienna Brown Chrysanthemum
Sienna Brown Chrysanthemum is a spectacular cushion style chrysanthemum. Shimmering bronze blossoms accented with yellow appear from early to late Fall. Long blooming mum that produces large coppery blossoms. Grows in zones 5 to 9 in full Sun. Reaches between 24 to 30 inches in height. Makes gorgeous cut flowers, attracts butterflies, and is deer resistant.
17. Pink Crest Chrysanthemum – Hardy Chrysanthemums
Pink Crest Chrysanthemum is a garden style chrysanthemum. Pretty Pink Crest has two toned pink blossoms with a delightful yellow eye. Large pink colored mums appear from early to late Fall. Grows in zones 5 to 9 in full Sun. Tops out at 18 to 36 inches. Attracts butterflies. A long blooming perennial that is deer resistant. Blooms make gorgeous cut flowers or for use in a floral arrangements.
18. Grandchild Chrysanthemum – Hardy Chrysanthemums
Grandchild Chrysanthemum is a spectacular cushion style chrysanthemum. Grandchild mum has crisp lavender blooms with darker centers. Flowering begins in early Fall and continues through the end of the Fall season. Grows in zones 5 to 9 in full Sun. Reaches between 24 to 30 inches in height. Makes gorgeous cut flower arrangements. Attracts butterflies. A deer resistant perennial.
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These are 18 Hardy Chrysanthemums to Plant Now for Fabulous Fall Color. Perfect for Sunny garden areas. If you try any of these 18 Hardy Chrysanthemums to plant now, be sure to let us know how you make out. And if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us. We always are ready to help you out. Thank you for stopping by.

Do you cut the mum down for the winter?
Hi Cindy,
We don’t cut our mums before the Winter season begins (for Southern New England zone 6). I allow the Chrysanthemums to die back on their own. In early Spring, we do a Spring garden clean up and go through the gardens to tidy them up. Any dead branches found on Chrysanthemums are clipped back to the ground. We do this clean up early Spring before the new growth emerges from the ground.
Once the mums begin to grow during the growing season, we pinch back about 1 inch of the branch tips. This encourages more branching which makes for a sturdier plant. Pinch back the branch tips 2 or 3 times during the growing season but not any later than early July. This allows the mums to develop blooms for the Fall season on sturdy, well-branched plants.
Hopes this answers your questions. And thank you for reading our post on “18 Hardy Chrysanthemums to Plant Now for Fabulous Fall Color”.
Where are you located? Can I order and have the flowers delivered? I am interested in several hardy chrysanthemums. Thank you.
Hi Joan,
I don’t sell these Chrsanthemums myself. The Chrysanthemums listed in this post are mostly likely not for sale at this time of year. Chrsanthemums that are hardy should be planted in the Spring or early Summer. If you click on the image of the Chrsanthemum that you are interested in, the system will redirect you to the nursery that sells that particular plant. You may be able to order these for next Spring.
Hope this helps you!
Thanks for reading our blog. Mary @ http://www.FindingSeaTurtles.com
I have two chrysanthemums in hanging baskets with lots of foliage but no blooms. Are they big feeders? What fertilizer should I use. They have bloomed sparsely in springtime.
Betty-Lynn Sharp
I winter them over & have taken shoots from them to start new plants but no luck with blooms.
Hi Betty-Lynn and Colin,
Beginning in early Spring until either late June or early July, pinch the chrysanthemums back. Pinching back the plants will promote bushier plants and delays the blooming period until the Fall season. Be sure to fertilize in July and of course, water regularly. In addition to this, how fresh in the potting soil in the hanging baskets? You may need to refreshed the potting soil as well.
Hope this helps! – Happy Gardening Mary @ FindingSeaTurtles.com