14 Essentials for the First Time Dog Owner
Great news – you’re getting a dog! Congratulations! Your excited beyond belief that you, a first time dog owner, will have a dog to call your own. With all the excitement in anticipation of the arrival of your first dog, it is important to prepare your home before your new dog arrives.

You’ll need to think about where exactly in your home the dog will be kept. Will the dog be confined to a room or in a crate? If you decide to keep the dog in a confined room, you’ll need to doggy proof the room by removing electrical cords, storing any chemicals in an out of reach area, relocate all plants to another area of your home, and any breakables should be stored elsewhere.
If you crate the dog, it is best to doggy proof the surrounding area in case the dog is ever lose. Until the dog settles into their new home, it is better to be careful than have an accident. Once your dog arrives, you will need to begin training so that the dog can begin to know what boundaries or limitations there are.
Below is a guideline of essential items you’ll need for your new dog. You can review the list of essentials you’ll need for your new pal and maybe you’ll discover that you already have a few items that were either borrowed or were given to you in anticipation of the arrival of your new dog.
4 food bowls (2 food, 2 water – extra set of bowls so when one set is dirty, you have a backup set)
Pet food mat to place under food bowls (helps keep area clean and bowls won’t slide around while your dog is eating or drinking)
Pet bed (so many to select from – oval or rectangular mat, you want at least 2 in case you is soiled)
Nylon Collar (many options including a personalized with name, your phone number, reflective)
Leash (retractable and a standard one)
Toys – 2 or 3
Pet grooming brush
Pet carrier (for visits to the vet or if traveling)
Crate (if crate training)
Food (wet or dry – ask your vet what they recommend)
Food can cover (if you decide to use wet food)
Treats (for being really, really good)
Baby Gate(s) (to prevent dog from going into certain areas of the house)
Puppy training pads (if dog is not house trained)
After your dog arrives home, immediately take them to a space where they can relieve themselves so as to avoid any accidents inside the home. Be sure to maintain the dog’s previous feeding schedule including food type and provide a resting area. The move from the dog’s previous home to your home can be very stressful for a puppy or a dog. As much as is possible, it is better to keep the puppy or dog’s routine the same so that they settle into their new environment quickly.

Any new visitors such as neighbors and friends should be kept to a minimum early on so as to not overwhelm your puppy or dog. Give them time and space to adjust to their new surroundings. Keep in mind some dogs adjust quicker than others. They all have different personalities and some breeds tend to be more timid than others. The important thing to always remember is to take your cues from them. Above all, enjoy your new dog!
If you try these suggestions let us know what you think. And if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us in the comments below. We always are ready to help you out.
When getting a new puppy. Show him the water & feed bowls. Take him out dide to potty on a leash tell him to potty potty. He get so he will go to the door & bark.
If you take with with you everywhere make sure you potty before you leave& when you come home or if your gone a long time take leach along. Potty him some where in grass. Feed him twice daythen he will ho potty in the AM after he ests tsle him outside. Feed He should potty .him at night
He will get the hsng of it.
First time pet owner here. Great article and I learned a lot. I always though pet owner spend extravagant on pets which is needed but after getting my own puppy i realized it is much needed necessities. I’n greatful for dog lovers community like theDogHood.com for amazing videos and pet care tips.