23 Fall Blooming Plants for Pollinators
Fall blooming plants for pollinators. Invite pollinators to your garden—searching for some Fall blooming plants for pollinators? With cooler temperatures approaching, many gardeners like to add Fall color to their gardens. Many fall-blooming plants for pollinators provide excellent nectar and seeds. Some of these plants bloom at the end of summer, and others begin in early fall. Many pollinators, including bees, butterflies, moths, and birds, still need multiple food sources throughout the Fall.
If your garden lacks Fall color, look at these fall-blooming plants for pollinators. Let us know what you think.
Rudbeckia Goldsturm or Black-eyed Susan
The beauty is seen throughout the land, from gardens to the country roads. Rudbeckia Goldsturm, or Black-eyed Susan, is one of the most recognized Summer native plants. Topping out at 30 to 40 inches tall, Goldsturm grows in zones 4 to 8 in full Sun. An upright perennial, the Black-eyed Susan has bright golden-yellow daisy-like blooms with dark centers. Black-eyed Susan blooms from July until October. This Fall blooming period makes for a great food source for pollinators.
Fall Blooming Plants for Pollinators – Phlox or Garden Phlox
2. Phlox David or Garden Phlox
An upright plant, the Phlox David or Garden Phlox has a white fragrant cluster of blooms from July until September. With its white blooms, Phlox David makes a great selection for a Moon Garden. Sun-loving Phlox David tops out at 40 inches tall. Free-flowering and sturdy, Phlox David grows in zones 4 to 8.
Fall Blooming Plants for Pollinators – Sedum or Stonecrop
3. Sedum Autumn Joy or Stonecrop
The fiery colors of Sedum Autumn Joy, or Stonecrop, begin as a rosy pink. It then deepens to Salmon and Rust color. Autumn Joy has lovely blue-green, thick, succulent leaves. Blooms appear from August through October, giving your Fall garden a perfect Fall coloring. Sun-loving Sedum Autumn Joy grows in zones 3 to 8 and tops off at 18 to 24 inches tall. Long blooming Autumn Joy is tolerant of clay soil. A great selection of blooming plants for pollinators!
Fall Blooming Plants for Pollinators – Agastache or Hummingbird Mint
4. Agastache Blue Fortune or Hummingbird Mint
Draw loads of hummingbirds to the garden with Agastache Blue Fortune or Hummingbird Mint. It is a robust perennial with soft powder blue floral spikes from July to October. Deer-resistant Agastache Blue Fortune grows between 3 to 4 feet tall. Grows in zones 5 to 9, Agastache Blue Fortune likes full Sun. Fall blooming plants for pollinators such as butterflies.
5. Agastache Firebird or Hummingbird Mint
A Sun lover perennial, Agastache Firebird or Hummingbird Mint has fiery copper orange and coral blooms. Reaching 2 to 3 feet tall with aromatic gray-green foliage makes Firebird a treat for pollinators. Firebird tubular flowers draw birds, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Both deer and rabbit-resistant, Agastache Firebird grows in zones 6 to 10—long blooming perennial that can be used in containers and is tolerant of hot, dry garden sites. Nectar-rich Firebird blooms appear from early Summer to Fall. Orange blooms with copper accents will become a Fall favorite.
6. Calamintha nepeta nepeta or Calamint
With delicate lavender and white flowers the Calamintha nepeta nepeta, or Calamint, blooms from August to October. A lover of full Sun, Calamint tops 12 to 18 inches tall. Deer-resistant Calamint grows in zones 5 to 7. Crushed leaves give off a minty fragrance.
Lilac Falls
7. Stachys Lilac Falls
Stachys Lilac Falls has lavender flowers from June to September. Long blooming Lilac Falls reaches between 8 to 12 inches tall. Grows in zones 5 to 8, Lilac Falls loves full Sun attracting hummingbirds. For Fall blooming plants for pollinators, plant Lilac Falls in containers or in garden borders for great impact.
Fall Blooming Plants for Pollinators – Rudbeckia or Gloriosa Daisy
8. Rudbeckia Prairie Sun or Gloriosa Daisy
Deer-resistant Rudbeckia Prairie Sun or Gloriosa Daisy has peachy orange daisy-like blooms with green centers. Topping out between 30 to 36 inches, Prairie Sun grows in full Sun in zones 5 to 8. Blooms from early Summer to early Fall, Prairie Sun does well in normal, clay, sandy, or acidic soil conditions. It can be used as cut flowers or used in garden containers. Long blooming perennial that attracts birds and butterflies as well as beneficial pollinators. Tolerant of seaside/salt garden conditions.
9. Rudbeckia Cherry Brandy or Gloriosa Daisy
The Gloriosa Daisy, or Rudbeckia Cherry Brandy, has deep maroon red flowers with dark chocolate centers. It blooms from early Summer to early Fall. Fall-blooming Rudbeckia Cherry Brandy grows in full Sun in zones 5 to 8. It tops out at 24 inches tall. It attracts birds and butterflies to the garden. Tolerates seaside/salt garden conditions and road salt. It grows in either normal or clay soil conditions.
10. Aster Blueberry or Michaelmas Daisy
Bring blue color to the garden with beautiful Aster Blueberry or Michaelmas Daisy, which has dusky sky-blue flower clusters from late summer to late fall. Sun-loving Aster Blueberry grows in zones 4 to 9 and tops out at 4 feet tall. It attracts pollinators such as birds and butterflies and tolerates clay soil and seaside/salt conditions. It is one of many fantastic fall blooming plants for pollinators.
11. Aster Purple Dome or New England Aster
Aster Purple Dome, or New England Aster, has purple blooms from late Summer to late Fall. A full-sun perennial, It grows in zones 3 to 8. At 18 inches tall, It attracts pollinators such as birds and butterflies. It can be grown in normal or clay soil and seaside/salt conditions. Purple Dome can also be grown in containers to add to your porch, patio, or deck.
Echinacea or Coneflower
12. Echinacea Butterfly Julia or Coneflower
Fragrant Echinacea Butterfly Julia or Coneflower has orange shades of blooms from early Summer to early Fall. Fall blooming Echinacea Butterfly Julia grows in zones 3 to 9, topping out at 15 to 18 inches. Grows in full Sun to part Sun and part shade. Pollinator attracting Butterfly Julia attracts birds and butterflies. Deer resistant and tolerant of hot, dry sites and humidity. Butterfly Julia can be grown in containers and adds Winter interest to the garden.
13. Echinacea Puff Vanilla or Coneflower
A more recent introduction of this coneflower, the Echinacea Puff Vanilla has white petals with a jagged collar around puffs of creamy ivory pom-poms. Blooms appear from early Summer to early Fall. Long blooming Puff Vanilla grows in full Sun in zones 4 to 9. Compact and strong Puff Vanilla tops out at 18 inches. It can be grown in average or clay soil. Another of many Fall blooming plants for pollinators that attract birds, butterflies, and pollinators. Deer resistant, tolerant of hot, dry sites and humid garden areas. This echinacea will add Winter interest to your garden if coneflowers remain on the plants.
14. Echinacea Meteor Yellow or Coneflower
Fragrant Echinacea Meteor Yellow or Coneflower has bright yellow pom-pom centers with creamy yellow tails. These gorgeous yellow comet-shaped flower heads appear from mid-summer until mid-Fall. Sun-loving Meteor Yellow Coneflower grows in zones 4 to 9, reaching 24 inches. Deer-resistant Meteor Yellow can be grown in containers. Echinaceas provide Winter interest in the garden when flower heads remain on the stems. Another of the fantastic fall blooming plants for pollinators. Attracts birds and butterflies to these vibrant floral blooms.
Fall Blooming Plants for Pollinators – Anemone, Japanese Anemone, or Windflower
15. Anemone Robustissima or Japanese Anemone, Windflower
Known as the Japanese Anemone or the Anemone Robustissima, it has soft pink single, cup-shaped flowers that bloom from late Summer to Fall. At 3 to 4 feet tall, Anemone Robustissima grows in zones 4 to 8. Robustissima grows in full Sun to part Sun and part shade. Does well in either normal, clay, or acidic soil conditions. Deer and rabbit tolerant, Robustissima is tolerant of wet garden sites. Beneficial for pollinators, Anemone Robustissima is long-blooming.
16. Anemone Pamina or Japanese Anemone, Windflower
The Windflower, also known as Anemone Pamina, is a compact perennial with elegant bright rose-pink blossoms and bright yellow stamens. It blooms from late Summer to late Fall. Anemone Pamina grows in zones 5 to 8, topping out at 2 to 3 feet tall. It grows in full Sun to part Sun and part shade garden areas. Resistant to both rabbit and deer, Pamina grows in average, clay, or acidic soil conditions. It is tolerant of wet garden sites and attracts butterflies.
17. Anemone Whirlwind or Japanese Anemone, Windflower
The elegant, ruffled, semi-double Anemone Whirlwind or Windflower has white petals with frilly yellow centers. Blooms early to late Fall. Topping out at 36 inches, Anemone Whirlwind grows in zones 5 to 8. It does well in gardens with full sun to partial sun and shade. Whirlwind grows in normal, clay, or acidic soil conditions. Rabbit and deer-resistant Anemone Whirlwind attract butterflies and pollinators that are beneficial. Tolerant of wet garden sites but doesn’t like humidity.
Fall Blooming Plants for Pollinators – Coreopsis or Tickseed
18. Coreopsis Moonbeam or Tickseed
Coreopsis Moonbeam or Tickseed has soft yellow flowers on finely-cut foliage. From early Summer to mid-Fall, Moonbeam produces stunning blooms. Topping out at 18 inches, Coreopsis Moonbeam grows in full Sun. Grows in soil conditions that are normal or sandy. Moonbeam Tickseed grows in zones 3 to 9 and can be planted in containers. It can be planted on a slope or bank and is tolerant of hot, dry garden sites, humidity, and seaside/salt conditions. A deer-resistant perennial that is beneficial for pollinators and attracts birds and butterflies. Long blooming flowers that make for great cut flowers.
19. Salvia New Dimension Blue or Meadow Sage
Meadow Sage, known as Salvia New Dimension Blue, has intense deep violet blue floral spikes. They initially appear from early to late Summer. After the Summer blooming ends, do a quick shearing that triggers a repeat bloom period from mid to late Fall. Growing in zones 5 to 8, New Dimension Blue tops 8 to 10 inches tall. A Sun lover, New Dimension Blue can be grown in normal or sandy soil. Fall-blooming rabbit and deer-resistant perennials attract birds, butterflies, and hummingbirds. A dwarf Salvia can be planted on a slope, bank, garden edge, or in containers. Tolerant of hot, dry garden sites, beneficial for pollinators with its aromatic leaves.
Joe Pye Weed
20. Eupatorium Gateway or Joe Pye Weed
Eupatorium Gateway or Joe Pye Weed flowers are available from July until September. This variety has deep pink wine-red floral clusters. It is hardy from zones 4 to 8 and can reach 6 feet tall! This perennial grows in full Sun to part Sun and part shade with either normal or clay soil. It attracts birds and butterflies and is beneficial for pollinators. Joe Pye Weed is showy and decorative. It is deer-resistant and tolerant of wet garden sites and seaside/salt conditions.
Fall Blooming Plants for Pollinators – Verbena or Vervain
21. Verbena Lollipop or Vervain – Fall Blooming Plants for Pollinators
Verbena Lollipop or Vervain has lavender-pink clusters of flowers from mid-Summer to mid-Fall. Sun-loving and long-blooming, Verbena Lollipop reaches 24 inches tall. Grows in zones 6 to 10, Verbena Lollipop lures butterflies and hummingbirds to its lavender floral clusters. Nectar-rich blossoms benefit many pollinators and can even be used in containers. One of many Fall blooming plants for pollinators that are lovely in the Fall.
22. Verbena Homestead Purple or Vervain – Fall Blooming Plants for Pollinators
Verbena Homestead Purple or Vervain has rich, velvety purple flowers that bloom from early Summer until late Fall. Deer-resistant Homestead Purple grows in zones 6 to 10 in full Sun. It reaches 12 inches tall and can be planted in containers. It attracts hummingbirds and butterflies, which is beneficial for pollinators. A low-maintenance perennial that is long-blooming, Homestead Purple is a fall-blooming plant for pollinators.
23. Verbena Apple Blossom or Vervain
Verbena Apple Blossom or Vervain has light pink blossoms with dark pink centers that bloom from late Summer to late Fall. Topping out at 14 inches, Verbena Apple Blossom grows in full Sun in zones 6 to 10. Beneficial for pollinators, Verbena Apple Blossom is deer resistant. Apple Blossom attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. It can be used in garden containers. Long-lasting blooms with low-maintenance appeal for gardeners with limited time to garden.
Fall color . . .
To add some fall color to your garden, consider any of these fall-blooming plants. Plants that can transition your Summer garden into a Fall garden. Most importantly, these fall-blooming plants for pollinators can provide valuable nourishment to wildlife. Be prepared to welcome wildlife to your Fall garden as the cooler temperatures arrive. The wildlife, such as bees, birds, hummingbirds, butterflies, and moths, will reward you with their presence in your garden.
For More Information . . .
Are you interested in knowing more about the native North American coneflower? See our post 14 Colorful Coneflowers to Brighten Your Summer Garden. For help creating a Moonlight Garden, see our post 20 Plants to Brighten Your Garden by Moonlight. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us in the comments below. We always are ready to help you out.
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This is a great list. Can you tell me if there are any pollinators for the shade/mostly shade that are rabbit resistant?
Thank you,
Hi Erin, Yes there are a few plants. I just posted a list of rabbit resistant plants for pollinators. See Pollinator Plants that are Rabbit Resistant. However, they all aren’t Fall blooming plants. For mostly shade garden areas try Digitalis (Common name – Foxglove), Aquilegia (Columbine), Astilbe (Perennial Spirea), Cimicifuga (Fall blooming), Geranium (Cransbill or Perennial Geranium), and Bergenia. There are other plants in the post that are rabbit resistant & attract pollinators that grow in part shade and part Sun. We hope this list help some. And good luck! Thanks for stopping by, Mary