8 Gorgeous Plants to Add Shimmer to Your Winter Garden
Every time you think that the cold weather is behind us, another storm pops up and pummels us. And each time as it’s passing through you tell yourself that this is the last one for this winter. You somehow know that this one will be the last one. But it isn’t going to be the last one. We mostly likely will get another winter storm before Spring arrives. Yet, I can’t help but hope that it’ll end soon. I’d much rather think about Spring and pick up where I left off with my gardening projects late last Fall. I’ll just have to keep working on my plans until its warm enough to work in the garden.
One good piece of news, is that the flower shows will be in full swing and gives us something to look forward to. I’m especially excited about the Philadelphia Flower Show that is opening this week. This year’s theme is Wonder’s of Water. The Philadelphia Flower Show runs through Sunday, March 11th.
If you live in a colder climate as we do, I’m sure your garden is still in its dormant state. As I glance outside nothing seems to catch my interest. There are a few crocuses blooming, some daffodils slowly pushing themselves above ground. There isn’t a lot going on just yet. So, I began to think about rearranging some of my perennials so that I’d have something more interesting to look at this time of year. Something that gives a little shimmer to my garden or gives more interest than the occasional crocuses I typically see this time of year.
So, I began looking into plants that could provide some interest in late Winter and early Spring. The list that follows are some plants that just might give my garden a boost of energy with mixed shades of silver and ivory that will brighten up my Winter Garden. Something more cheerful than the bland landscape I now see. It is way too soon to expect bright vibrant colors but shades of silver or ivory, why not? Take a look at my shimmering plant selection.
My list of shimmering plants for brightening up my winter garden are:
- Coral Bells, a Heuchera Silver Scrolls

The Heuchera Silver Scrolls is a low growing perennial with dramatic foliage color that emerges in silver with burgundy. The Silver Scrolls perennial matures to a striking silver color with a dark purple veins. Gorgeous and striking Silver Scrolls. It is an aromatic plant that does well in full sun or partial shade. A low growing perennial that offers great colors for a Winter Garden in late Winter into Spring.
2. Artemisia Stelleriana Silver Brocade

A low-growing perennial, Artemisia Stelleriana Silver Brocade has white, wooly foliage. Aromatic grey-green plant that will cascade down walls. Silver Brocade prefers a drier soil. The Silver Brocade can add the much needed shimmer to my Winter Garden.
3. White Nancy Dead Nettle, Lamium Maculatum

The White Nancy Dead Nettle has an ornate, silvery appearance. White Nancy spreads 12 to 24 inches wide with a frilled leaf that is deeply wrinkled in a silver color. This perennial has a carpet plant effect. Great contrast for adding shimmer to any Winter Garden.
- Lamb’s Ears, Stachys Byzantina

Lamb’s Ears, Stachys Byzantina has a silver-green foliage that forms a dense ground cover of soft, thick, velvety leaves. Lamb’s ears grows 6 to 12 inches tall and 1 to 2 feet wide. It does well with a coastal exposure. Texture of lamb’s ear is incredibly soft, perfect for the shimmer effect I’m looking for in my Winter Garden.
- Silver Mound, Artemisia Schmidtiana

Silver Mound, artemisia Schmidtiana is a fast growing, non-invasive perennial that has a finely textured silver, aromatic foliage. Silver mound thrives in cool summer areas and make a great contrast to green foliage plants. Silver Mound grows about 6 to 12 inches tall and about 12 to 18 inches wide. It creates a great effect when planted as a border in a garden.
- Japanese Painted Fern, Athyrium niponicum Pictum

The Japanese Painted Fern, Athyrium niponicum pictum is a shade loving plant with dramatic foliage. The fronds are dark, blue green that fades to silver at the edges. The fern grows 18 to 24 inches tall and 18 to 24 inches wide. Equally great for planting in containers or mass plantings. Beautiful fern and great for adding shimmer and interest to Winter Gardens.
- Blue Star Juniper, Juniperus Squamata

The aromatic Blue Star Juniper is a compact evergreen dwarf shrub with silver-blue foliage. The blue star juniper is slow growing and tolerates a variety of garden conditions. It has dense, spreading branches that grow 2 to 3 feet tall and 3 to 4 feet wide. The conifer does well in containers, by the poolside, or with a coastal exposure.

The White Forsythia, Abeliophyllum Distichum shrub is related to the yellow forsythia. The white forsythia has white four-petaled, almond-scented blooms with yellow stamens. In the wild, it is considered endangered because of its similar properties to that of witch hazel. White forsythia does best in partial to full sun with regular waterings. It has arching branches and grows 3 to 5 feet tall and 3 to 5 feet wide. An early bloomer just like the yellow forsythia, brings stunning and gorgeous blooms to any Winter Garden.
As you can see, there are several options for creating a shimmering garden. One that can take your bland garden to a brighter, cheerier garden with silver and white foliage. Who says you have to wait until Spring to enjoy your garden? Why not add some shimmer to your garden that you can enjoy in late Winter? Let us know what you think about adding some shimmer to your Gardenscape!
And if you have any questions about adding shimmer to your garden, feel free to reach out to us in the comments below. We always are ready to help you out.