Best Low Maintenance Lawn Alternatives
Best low-maintenance lawn alternatives that save time and money. Tired of the weekly and at times twice a week lawn mowing chore? If you’ve thought about replacing your lawn with a low-maintenance ground cover, we have some ideas to consider.
Take a look at these lawn alternatives. Some of these plants need full Sun but others will tolerate some shade. And of course, some plants thrive in drier climates. Here are our picks of the best.
Big Blue Liriope Grass
Also known as Monkey Grass, Lily Turf, and Liriope muscari, Big Blue Liriope Grass is a low-maintenance evergreen ground cover for challenging sites. A versatile plant to use in garden beds, as a lawn substitute, or to simply tuck among perennials.
- Grows in zones 5 to 10
- Part shade and part Sun to Full Sun
- Grows 12 to 24 inches tall by 12 to 24 inches wide
- Blue-violet spikes of blooms with deep green arching foliage and in the Fall, near blackberries
- Blooms late Summer to early Fall
- Resistant to deer and rabbits
- Plants tolerate clay, sandy, wet, and dry soil conditions
- Tolerant of heat, humidity, air pollution, and even drought conditions, once established
- Helps with erosion control
- Plant in containers, as a border edge in garden beds or along pathways
- Grow in rock gardens or in a woodland garden setting
- Withstands light foot traffic
- Used as a lawn alternative or grassy ground cover
2. Creeping Gold Buttons
Lush-looking Creeping Gold Buttons are also known as Cotula and Tiffindell Gold. Discovered in the rugged hills of Tiffindell, South Africa. It’s deep, reaching water seeking root system makes this a weed-resistant plant.
- South African native
- Grows in zones 5 to 10
- Full Sun
- Tops out at 4 inches with a spread of 24 inches wide
- Golden yellow button-like flowers with bright emerald green finely textured foliage
- Blooms late Spring to early Summer
- Evergreen ground cover in flower beds or as a lawn substitute
- Tolerates average, and compost-enriched garden loam soil conditions
- Once established, tolerant of drought conditions – Water wise
- Plant as a grass replacement in low-foot traffic areas
3. Dwarf Pink Lamb’s Ear
Also known as Stachys maxima, Dwarf Pink Lamb’s Ear is a low-growing ground cover. A slow spreader that forms a tight, weed-resisting carpet plant.
- Grows in zones 4 to 9
- Part shade and part Sun to Full Sun
- Reaches 6 inches tall spreading 12 to 15 inches wide
- Showy pink floral spikes with bright green foliage
- Blooms early Summer
- Bee friendly
- Resistant to deer and rabbits
- Tolerates sandy, clay, average, compost enriched garden loam, low fertility, drought dry, well-drained, and moist to wet soil conditions
- Once established, tolerant of drought conditions – Water wise
- Plant as a lawn replacement in semi-shade garden areas
4. Silver Nailwort – Best Low Maintenance Lawn Alternatives
Also known as Paronychia, Silver Nailwort is a tough evergreen ground cover that resembles Creeping Thyme. However, Silver Nailwort is more xeric (water-wise) than the thyme ground cover.
- Native to the Pyrenees Mountains in southern Europe
- Grows in zones 4 to 8
- Full Sun
- Reaches 1 inch tall with an 18-inch spread
- White flowers with tiny green thyme-like leave with silver seed heads that appear like white flowers
- Blooms late Spring to early Summer
- Resistant to rabbits
- Use in a rock garden or as an alpine plant
- Once established, tolerant of drought conditions – Water wise
- Equally resistant to dry winter conditions
- Tolerates occasional foot traffic
- Preferred over white thyme as a lawn replacement due to its durability and higher tolerance of drought conditions
5. Creeping Oregano
Completely mats together to form a dense cover, Creeping Oregano is an attractive ground cover. Also known as Origanum vulgare humile.
- Grows in zones 6 to 11
- Full Sun
- Tops out at 6 inches high
- White flowers
- Use as an ornamental garden plant
- Plant as a lawn substitute
6. Creeping Golden Marjoram
A tough, attractive ground cover, Creeping Golden Marjoram is also known as Origanum vulgare aureum. Use as a lawn substitute. Mow to maintain the flatness of the ground cover.
- Grows in zones 6 to 11
- Full Sun
- Reaches 6 inches tall
- White flowers that bloom occasionally
- Foliage is chartreuse in the Spring and Fall
- Use as an ornamental garden plant
7. Mounding Marjoram – Best Low Maintenance Lawn Alternatives
Another name for Mounding Marjoram, is Origanum Mounding Marjoram. Introduced by oregano lover Betty Rollins, this variety is known for its ability to hug the ground. Blooms are reddish-purple flower heads. If Mounding Marjoram grows too tall, then mow it down to two inches above the ground.
- Grows in zones 6 to 11
- Full Sun
- Reaches 3 inches tall
- Minty fragrant magenta flowers
- Blooms in the Summer
- Bee friendly and attracts butterflies
- Use as an ornamental garden plant
8. Potentilla Neumanianna
Also known as Cinquefoil, Potentilla Neumanianna is an evergreen ground cover. Foliage is a mat of spicy-scented shiny, deep green leaves that are similar to strawberry leaves.
- Grows in zones 4 to 8
- Mostly shady to Full Sun
- Tops out at 3 to 6 inches tall
- Bright yellow buttercup flowers
- Bloom mid-Spring to early Summer
- Beneficial for pollinators
- Resistant to deer
- Grow in containers, garden walls, between paving stones, rock gardens, on slopes or banks
- Tolerates normal, clay, and sandy soil conditions
- Withstands shade, hot dry site, and foot traffic conditions
- However, does not perform as well in the high-humidity conditions of the Gulf states
- Once established, tolerant of drought conditions – Water wise
- Use as a lawn substitute and can sustain light foot traffic
9. Roman Chamomile
Another name for Roman Chamomile is Chamaemelum nobile. A ground cover that prefers cooler Summers and is widely used in England between pavers or walkways.
- Grows in zones 4 to 11
- Part shade and part Sun to Full Sun
- Reaches 6 to 12 inches high if left unmowed, can be cut down between 3 to 4 inches tall
- Fragrant white flowers with evergreen foliage
- Attracts butterflies
- Many uses including culinary, medicinal, and ornamental
- Plant between stepping stones, a garden pathway, or as a lawn replacement
- Flowers attract numerous beneficial insects so consider leaving the blooms on the ground cover
10. Rupturewort
Other names for Rupturewort are Green Carpet and Herniaria Glabra. A European evergreen native, in the past Rupturewort, was used to treat skin cuts. The lower structure of Rupturewort has a long tap root that enables it to conserve water. Related to the Carnations, Pinks, and Dianthus plants.
- Grows in zones 7 to 11
- Part shade and part Sun but does best in full Sun
- Topping out at 1 to 3 inches tall with a spread of 2 feet wide
- Pale tiny green flowers that can easily be overlooked
- Grow in containers
- Plant as a ground cover, and used for medicinal or ornamental purposes
- Especially effective when planted along gray leafed plants such as Lavenders. Or use alongside darker green plants such as Hyssop, Myrtle, or Germander.
- Tolerates foot traffic but not continuous traffic
11. Sagina subulata – Best Low Maintenance Lawn Alternatives
Also known as Corsican PearlWort, Pearlwort, and Irish Moss, Sagina subulata ground cover withstand light foot traffic. Prefers moist soil conditions but not wet soil. Protect from the afternoon Sun in Southern states.
- Grow in zones 4 to 8
- Part shade and part Sun to Full Sun
- Tops out at 1 inch
- Dainty translucent star-shaped white flowers with deep green, lush moss-like foliage
- Blooms early to late Spring
- Use in rock gardens or between stepping stones and pavers
- Tolerant of humid and foot traffic conditions
- Suitable as a lawn replacement in areas where Summers have cooler temperatures
12. Snow-in-Summer – Best Low Maintenance Lawn Alternatives
Known as Cerastium, Snow-in-Summer was discovered in Santa Fe, NM by Horticulturist David Salman. Vigorous and larger in size than other Snow-in-summer varieties. Ideal ground cover for planting in mass and naturalizes over time.
- Grows in zones 3 to 9
- Full Sun
- Reaches 4 to 6 inches high with a spread of 15 to 18 inches wide
- Blooms in late Spring
- Resistant to deer and rabbits
- Withstands poor, sandy, and low fertility soil conditions where grass may struggle to survive
- Tolerant of drought conditions once plant has been established – Xeric plant
- Plant in a rock garden or among alpine plants
- Use as a lawn substitute that carpets the area with white blooms in late Spring
13. Max Frei Saponaria
The common name of Max Frei Saponaria is Giant Flower Soapwort. A vigorous hybrid soapwort that has clusters of clear pink flowers in late Summer.
- Grows in zones 4 to 8
- Part shade and part Sun to Full Sun, although in hotter climates it prefers afternoon shade
- Reaches 6 inches tall with a spread of 18 inches wide
- Fragrant quarter-sized pink flowers
- Blooms early Summer to mid-Fall
- Attract hummingbirds
- Resistant to deer
- Plant in containers, in rock gardens, and in an alpine garden
- Tolerates occasional foot traffic as well as clay soil gardens
- Once established, tolerant of drought conditions – Water wise
- Use as a lawn substitute or large-scale ground cover, then mow on a high setting to remove old blooms
14. Saponaria ocymoides
The Saponaria ocymoides evergreen ground cover is known as Rock Soapwort as well. A vigorous ground cover that reseeds itself and naturalizes in the garden. Prevent reseeding by mowing older blooms.
- Grows in zones 3 to 8
- Part shade and part Sun to Full Sun
- Reaches 4 to 5 inches high and 15 to 18 inches wide
- Fragrant bright, pink floral clusters
- Blooms late Spring to early Summer
- Bee friendly and attract butterflies
- Resistant to deer
- Plant in containers, rock gardens, or alpine gardens
- Tolerates occasional foot traffic as well as sandy or clay soil gardens
- Use as a lawn substitute in cool, short-season areas of the intermountain West, after blooming has ceased mow on a high setting to remove old blooms
Thymus – Best Low Maintenance Lawn Alternatives
Thyme plants are ground-cover plants with low water needs once established. Some varieties are suitable for smaller lawns and others can be grown in larger yard spaces. These low-maintenance plants can be planted as a single variety or intermingled with other Thyme varieties. Thyme thrives especially well in Western US climates.
When selecting a Thyme variety for your yard consider the growing zone as well as the type of look you’d like to achieve. Creeping Pink, Reiter’s, Lemon Frost, or Goldstream are low-growing thymes, similar to grass lawns.
15. Coconut Thyme
An evergreen ground cover, Coconut Thyme is also known as Thymus Coconut. Although Coconut Thyme does not smell nor taste like coconut, it is not only a fast grower but a heavy bloomer.
- Grows in zones 5 to 11
- Full Sun
- Reaches 1 inch high and 2 inches tall with blooms spreading about 2 feet wide as it matures
- Lilac flowers
- Blooms in midSummer for around 4 weeks
- Water Conserving
- Use as an ornamental garden plant
- Low growing and similar to lawn height
- Mix Caraway Thyme with Coconut Thyme for an extended blooming period
16. Creeping Pink Thyme
An evergreen ground cover, Creeping Pink Thyme is also called Thymus Creeping Pink. This variety of thyme remains fairly flat, similar to grass.
- Grows in zones 5 to 11
- Full Sun
- Reaches 1 to 2 inches high without the blooms
- Purple flowers that reach a height of 2 to 3 inches tall
- Foliage is succulent-like in appearance
- Water Conserving
- Tolerant of heat conditions
- Use as an ornamental garden plant
- Maintain low growing after the blooming period has passed by using a weed eater or lawn mower with a high setting
17. Goldstream Thyme – Best Low Maintenance Lawn Alternatives
Aside from being known as Goldstream Thyme, this variety of thyme is also known as Thymus Goldstream. An evergreen ground cover with lemon-scented yellow-gold foliage that is released when walked on. Goldstream is tightly knit fragrant lemony thyme but lacks the lemon flavor. Because of this, it is not suitable for the citrus flavoring of food.
- Grows in zone 5 to 11
- Full Sun
- Low growing topping out at 1/2 inch and 1 inch high with its blooms
- Fragrant Pink flowers
- Attracts butterflies
- Water Conserving
- Use as an ornamental garden plant
18. Hall’s Woolly Thyme
A fairly flat evergreen ground cover, Hall’s Woolly Thyme is also known as Thymus Hall’s Woolly. Hall’s Woolly Thyme is different from Woolly Thyme because Hall’s Woolly Thyme has silvery cast foliage with blooms.
- Grows in zones 5 to 11
- Full Sun
- Pink flowers
- Tops out at 1 inch tall and 3 inches high with blooms
- Water Conserving
- Use as an ornamental plant
19. Lemon Frost Thyme
Rapidly growing lemon-scented evergreen ground cover, Lemon Frost Thyme is also known as Thymus Lemon Frost.
- Grows in zones 5 to 11
- Full Sun
- Reaches 1/2 inch tall and 1 inch tall with blooms
- Fragrant White flowers
- Water Conserving
- Used for ornamental purposes
- Plant as a lawn substitute when covering large areas of ground
20. Pink Lemonade Thyme
The Pink Lemonade Thyme evergreen ground cover is also called Thymus Pink Lemonade. Unlike many other lemon scented thyme varieties that either have white flowers like Lemon Frost Thyme or bloom little. Pink Lemonade is a profuse bloomer with fragrant lemon scented blooms. After the first year, the plant can spread 4 feet in every direction.
- Grows in zones 5 to 11
- Plant in full Sun but may tolerate light-filtered shade (note: due to lack of Sun, thyme will grow lanky until it receives enough Sun)
- Tops out at 1 when not in bloom and 2 inches with blooms
- Fragrant pink flowers that are lemon-scented with non-variegated foliage
- Dark green foliage which is closely spaced makes a dense and fast-growing ground cover
- Late Summer blooming
- Water Conserving
- Use as an ornamental garden plant
21. Reiter’s Thyme
Lush evergreen ground cover, Reiter’s Thyme is also known as Thymus Reiter’s. Leaves eventually will root forming new plants. This is a low-growing ground cover that spreads similarly to grass.
- Grows in zones 5 to 11
- Full Sun
- Reaches 1 to 2 inches tall
- Pink flowers
- Spring blooming
- Water Conserving
- Use as an ornamental garden plant as well
- Withstands foot traffic as long as it is not continuous
22. Elfin Creeping Thyme
Sometimes called Thymus serpyllum Elfin, the Elfin Creeping Thyme is a low growing evergreen ground cover. Elfin Creeping Thyme will naturalize. Plant between garden pavers or as a lawn alternative. A historic plant used by the ancient Egyptians as well as the Romans.
- Grows in zones 4 to 9
- Full Sun
- Reaches 1 to 3 inches tall with a spread of 12 to 18 inches
- Fragrant lavender-pink flowers with tiny, gray-green leaves form a mat
- Blooms late Spring to early Summer
- Bee-friendly, attracts butterflies and other pollinators
- Resistant to deer
- Tolerates of sandy, loamy, clay, and once established, drought to dry soil conditions
- Withstands dry sites as well as foot traffic
- Grow in a rock garden, in an alpine garden, or small-space gardening
- Plant to help with erosion control
23. Pink Chintz Creeping Thyme
Known as Thymus Pink Chintz, Pink Chintz Creeping Thyme is an evergreen ground cover. Low-growing, creeping thyme that is one of the earliest blooming thymes. This creeping thyme is highly durable and more drought resistant than other creeping thymes. Effective when planted in mass with its profusion of salmon-pink flowers.
- Grows in zones 4 to 9
- Full Sun
- Reaches 1 inch tall with a spread of 18 inches wide
- Fragrant salmon pink flowers
- Blooms in mid-Spring
- Bee friendly and attracts butterflies
- Resistant to both deer and rabbits
- Grow in containers
- Tolerates sandy, clay, and average soil conditions
- Once established, tolerant of drought conditions – Water wise
- Withstands occasional foot traffic
- Plant between flagstones and stone pavers
24. Red Mother of Thyme – Best Low Maintenance Lawn Alternatives
The Red Mother of Thyme variety needs regular moisture, unlike the other varieties of Thyme. An evergreen ground cover to use in mass plantings. Red Mother of Thyme adds a nice texture to the garden landscape.
- Grows in zones 4 to 9
- Full Sun
- Topping out at 3 inches tall spreading 18 inches wide
- Showy and fragrant rose-red flowers that are considered by many as the showiest thyme
- Foliage forms thick mats of tiny, deep green leaves
- Blooms early to late Summer
- Bee friendly
- Resistant to both deer and rabbits
- Tolerates sandy, average, low fertility, and well-drained soil conditions
- Plant between flagstones or as a thyme lawn to replace grass lawns
25. Turkish Veronica
Evergreen groundcover, Veronica Liwanensis is also known as Veronica Liwanensis or Turkish Speedwell. A native of the mountains of Turkey, this Veronica is a fast-growing variety that thrives in difficult climates. Grow en mass or as thyme turf replacement lawn for a low-maintenance yard.
- Grows in zones 4 to 8
- Part shade and part Sun to Full Sun
- Reaches 2 inches tall by 18 inches wide
- Showy Blue flowers
- Blooms early to mid-Spring
- Bee friendly and attracts butterflies
- Resistant to both deer and rabbits
- Plant in a rock garden or as an alpine garden plant
- Tolerant of sandy, average, low fertility, and well-drained soil conditions
- Withstands some foot traffic
- For the Western gardener, a better ground cover
- Provide afternoon shade in hotter Summer climates
This is the end of our Best Low Maintenance Lawn Alternatives such as ground covers. Tell us what your thoughts are about these stunning ground cover plants. And which ground cover is your favorite?
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